The Root of Evil

It was a nice day to start. I walked around my garden to visit my precious flowers. I watered and talked to them. It is really nice to have a peaceful day. After walking around the garden I went to my gazebo and drank some camomile tea for some refreshment. I hear the birds chirp, I saw the blue sky and it just perfectly fit with my classical music playing from my speaker.

After some time I prepared myself for work. I didn't mention but I am Alexa Smith, 28 years of age, and living alone since my parents died when I was 18, and the CEO of Heavenly Paradise an insurance company. I was nice and thoughtful to her employees but when I say 'No' basically it means 'Stop'. I may be elegant and beautiful from the outside but becomes a monster whenever I'm angry.

Many employees want to work for my company because they know that I offer a lot of benefits, rewards, and even give what my employees want. I have a lot of money so, I decided to spend it on my employees since they are the ones who help me with my business.

There are only two things that they should remember before entering Heavenly Paradise. First, always listen to the boss. No matter what situation will happen always listen to what I say and second, Don't mess with the boss. Once you're my employee you don't need to be so greedy. I give you freedom no matter what you wanted to do and everything that's enough because if you reach that point you'll regret it—I swear. Enough with the introduction because I need to go to work.

"Good Morning Ma'am," the driver greeted me.

"Well, Good Morning. Let's start this day with a smile okay. Let's go to the office," I replied to the driver.

The day is going smoothly and I like it. We arrived at the office after twenty-five minutes.

"Good Morning Ma'am," every employee and guard who sees me greet me a good morning and take note with a smile.

I just hope every day is just like today a day with good vibes.

As I enter my office I directly went to my chair and played the classical music that I want. This day really has good vibes I wish it will go on forever. While comfortably sitting in my chair my secretary knocked on the door and of course, I let her in.

"Ma'am, Mr. Sanchez is here," she said.

"Okay, let him in," I said.

"Well, long time no see Miss Alexa," Mr. Sanchez said with a smile.

"Have a seat. So, what do you want?" I directly asked him.

By the way, Mr. Sanchez is a bad guy. Well, a little bit but still, he did a lot of bad shits. He's a smuggler, a drug dealer, a fraud, and even a con artist but he won't beat me—I am more than that.

"Here's the catch I have new—" I didn't let him finish his words because I know what he is trying to do.

"Mr. Sanchez how many times should I have to tell you that I won't buy any of your smuggled items, I ain't use drugs and I won't let you deceive me," I said with a smirk on my face.

"I'm just testing you. Who knows the intelligent Alexa Smith might get caught the bait," he answered.

"As if, But if that day comes I maybe went insane. Miss Sky, Mr. Sanchez will go now," I said to him and to my secretary.

"Still, I know someday you'll change your mind and I'll wait for that day to happen," he said with a smile on his face.

Lucky you Mr. Sanchez I am in a good mood today and your presence doesn't ruin the mood. I am actually worried about you because I am sure you'll be in a bad situation if you ruined my mood.

"Ma'am, Mr. Timothy is on the line. Shall I connect you to his line?" my secretary asked.

"Sure" I replied.

"Hey, Alex! Whatcha doing? It's my last day before flying to Mexico. Gonna throw some party, will you come?" Timothy asked.

Timothy, he's my childhood friend.

"Even if I say no you'll still insist right?" I said.

"You got it, girl! By the way, my mom always said she wanted to see you okay" he added.

"Fine, I'll go" I replied. "Okay see ya!" he excitedly said and hung up the phone.

Being a CEO is nice. All I do is sign papers, receive a call from other companies or stockholders. Nothing else and nothing more. Actually, sometimes I feel bored but I still try to stabilize my emotions despite anything. After a couple of hours sitting in my office, roaming at my company, and communicating with my employees I started to prepare myself and go to Timothy's party.

"Oh! I forgot you can go home early. It's your daughter's birthday right?" I asked my driver.

"Yes ma'am but how did you—" he wanted to ask obviously but he stared at me carefully.

"I heard you talking to your wife earlier. By the way, I can drive myself. Go home and celebrate your daughter's birthday" I said and give him an envelope.

"It's for your transportation and please give my regards to your daughter tell her Happy Birthday for me," I added and he thanked me for what I gave and he gives me the car key.

What a nice day to have a night drive for myself. I went to the gas station to fill the tank. Since I still have a long way to go I also went to the convenience store to buy some food. I thought my nice day will continue not until I met some guys who were drunk.

"Hey Miss, you going alone? We'll accompany you," the guy with a hoodie said.

"Yeah and if you want we can also make you satisfied," the guy in sweatpants added.

"Well, I don't mind if you are drunk but mind your own business and just go home if you don't want trouble okay," I said to them.

Literally, I feel my blood rising up. You know what I hate the most is catcalling. I may be a psychopath but I still respect people and I also hate people who disrespect other people. I thought they were gone but they followed me. They showed up right in front of my car and walked towards my car. They knocked on the window and asked if I could get out for a while so, I moved out of my car and confront them.

The guy in sweatpants hurriedly grab my waist into his side and whispered, "I'll make you satisfied whether you like it or not." I laughed hysterically and the guy in a hoodie also started to touch my face and my neck. I continued to laugh. Looking in their perverted eyes I am sure that they think I'm seriously enjoying it—such a fool. Now both of you are in great danger.