


KHAOS was the oldest entity who was there before TIME, before life and death

He was there. He was always there. Watching those who claimed to be gods and goddesses who prevail over his creatures. There were the Egyptians, Norse, Buddha, etc. HE then let them play, and play they did and fell right into the trap, that was waiting for them. And then they were slain by their own adversaries that slew them.

And then there were mortals. He loved them so so much that that they found the loopholes and start killing each other and the things they can't understand.

They started to fear HIM.

The audacity that they could accuse his creations.

'Wizard's' or 'witch's' they called them.

For magic did not granted them what was never there's.

And so the witch hunt's started, 'The burnings', and 'oh the fires!!!!'. And they were then known as the "Salem witch trials".


And then the 'potter' boy came. The fates disliked him. They simply decided that he will be a fun play thing. A toy whose life they could change simply on a whim.

But then the child surprised them as he fought for those who had betrayed him.

Who never loved him but just used him for themselves, he had to be poster boy as the BWL.

He then became the undesirable no.1, then came the threat that the world thought was so powerful that cannot be defeated, then they again wanted him to be their savior whose life did not meant for much more than a sickle.

They wanted him to be a martyr, a person who was supposed to save them by sacrificing his own life for people he did not know. They wanted him as the BWL. Not 'harry potter' as they say. He was just a child. Who was supposed to be the one who was cared for, who should have been loved, who would have had a happy childhood.

Because he was the hope for HIS creations. He was supposed to defeat the dark lord the world had known as the lord of the light side. The grandfatherly wizard, the head of the ICW, Chief warlock of Britain and the Head of the Wizengamot. ALBUS DUMBLEDORE!!!

But no. The fates played with him and he became a plaything. He died by the hand's of one Ginerva Weasley. That bitch had killed harry potter for his gold, properties that were in his vault left to him by his ancestor's and his godfather Sirius Orion Black.

Since then harry potter was waiting in the Purguratory.

For it to end!!!

The pain was too much....

Then he had his turn he was sent to Death (the character with skeletal hands and body with the scythe and everything) who exclaimed, and was surprised to see as he was marked by his big brother KHAOS. As his own.

He then took him to HIS realm and told him to wait outside.

After sometime Death came out and told him to go inside, and then simply vanished.

And then he met KHAOS, as the black and white light which seem to introduce himself as. He was simply the balance and chaos itself.

Harry potter was one of those mortals who trumped over Death. Mainly the Peverell Brother's, who were considered as death's children and were then claimed by him. As he was that very one mortal who had gathered all three hallows and mastered them, he was considered one as well.

The KHAOS had then termed the special child as his, and made him his champion.

He offered then him the truth.

He was then given a second chance. 

To do it all over again.

Get whatever he wanted so he could claim everything that was his from the very start.

 He had his memories so he could get his revenge.

 And after this, he could ascend and gain his crown as the child of KHAOS.

And so it began!!!!

The tale of HADRIAN POTTER, the son of KHAOS.


I would like it if u left some comments or reviews about your fav harrypotter ff or some insight on how they would like this story to be developed further in future or what plots or character pairing i should