The hunt begins (Part 2)

Immediately Calicrum mentioned his name the whole place quieted down. The faces of the three gods were in shock and disbelief again. They stared at a particular statue with black robes and dreads. Who hadn't heard of Alusec the abominable god? Every being in existence had only one source of power, while it was possible that they could use different abilities and techniques from that same source, it wasn't possible to have more than one source, but Alusec was known as an abomination because of the fact that he had uncountables sources and could use abilities on a large and never seen before scale. He was a scary existence. He was the god-king for thousands of years and no one dared to oppose his rule. They had to result in tricks to capture him. The gods looked back at Calicrum, waiting for an explanation.

"Isn't he supposed to be dead?" Abilech asked, still not believing what he was hearing.

To calm the minds of the gods down five hundred thousand years ago when Alusec was betrayed, Calicrum had to lie that Alusec was dead, if not they would never have had peace of mind.

"All those years he was imprisoned in my diminishing void..." Vorilion answered.

The gods finally understood what was going on as they thought in their minds, 'We're dead. He's definitely coming for our heads'

"There is no need to panic, for now, he has only recovered about a millionth of his powers." Vorilion continued speaking while trying to calm their minds down.

"How he escaped is not important..... The most important thing right now is his location...." He added.

"Where is he?" Calicrum asked while calming down.

"He is in.... he is.... he..." Vorilion stuttered while trying to recollect where the portal he opened for Alusec led to. They all looked at him, wondering why a powerful Guardian would be struggling to remember a simple detail.

"He... I can't remember where he went... I'm sure I knew, but why can't I remember?" vorilion was puzzled by his own forgetfulness.

"Don't tell me he used it on you?" Calicrum questioned warily.

"Used what?" Vorilion asked.

"Mind invasion" Calicrum answered, while the others stared at Vorilion with a knowing look.

"There's no way he could have used it on me without my knowledge, he's still very weak right now..." Vorilion disagreed.

Mind invasion was a power that was exclusive to gods and guardians, which they could use to forcefully intrude into a person's mind to either control them or modify their memories.

It was unheard of, where a god used mind invasion on another god and it worked because the difference in power between gods was not very much.

"Don't underestimate my teacher.... he has abilities that he has never unleashed even when training me. When I reached the level of godhood, I still couldn't defeat him when he was using just a tenth of his power..." After Calicrum finished cautioning gasping sounds could be heard coming from the three gods. They knew how powerful Calicrum was but he was still defeated even though the abominable god didn't even use his full power.

Calicrum got up from the throne and floated in the air towards Vorilion. He touched down with his feet and stood opposite Vorilion. He used two fingers(index and middle) to touch Vorilion's forehead.

"Open your mind to me," Calicrum demanded.

"Mmmh." Vorilion consented and closed his eyes.

'Mind revelation'

Vorilion chanted and immediately a large screen popped up in the room, which was showing Vorilion memories.


Vorilion chanted again. The memories started rewind until it got to the point where it showed Alusec dropping the shackles after freeing himself. The three gods were shocked to see how Alusec looked like a caveman with scattered dreads and unkempt facial hairs. Vorilion played the memory from that part. They watched as Alusec flew up and punched the barrier, putting long cracks on it. They got to the point where Vorilion offered to open a portal for him to Aritil, but when he said another location the sound was censored, whenever the location that Alusec picked was mentioned the sound would be censored. The gods now understood the monstrosity that they were facing and started sweating.

'He said he had only recovered a millionth of his powers but he was still able to use mind invasion on a powerful Guardian.... we're screwed.' they all thought at the same time.

"I'm going to forcefu...." Vorilion wanted to try something when.....


The screen shut down and his mind was pulled into another realm.

-In that realm

Everywhere was dark but he could hear the sound of flowing water. He looked forward and saw a hot bath with a man in it. The hot bath was built with luxurious designs of pelicans at the edges. The man in the hot bath had dreadlocks tied in a bun, with two strands on both sides of his face. They locked eyes and sparks were ignited. Calicrum could see the pain and anger in the man's eyes.

"Sensei?" he asked in disbelief.

The man in the bath was none other than Alusec.

"You lost the right to call me that five hundred thousand years ago," Alusec spoke in a deep voice.

"How am I here?" Calicrum asked looking around.

"You're only here in spirit form but your real body is still on the other side...." Alusec explained, "you have all been playing in the palm of my hands, I planned all this as a gift for you..... Vorilion coming over to you, not remembering where the portal led to and you entering his mind to check on his memories. I was already in his mind from day one, and that was how I was able to pull you here." Alusec spoke while smiling.

Calicrum was shocked and asked, "How? You should not be able to use your abilities this freely yet...."

"Have you forgotten that time flows faster in the celestial plane.... I've already escaped for more than a month now and I've recovered about 1% of my strength now..." Alusec answered.

"Even till today you still put me to shame with your strength, hahaha, just 1% and you're already able to do this..." Calicrum laughed in self-ridicule

"There is no need to look for me or try to hunt me down because in this case, I'll be the one doing the hunting...." Alusec smirked while speaking.

"When trying to unlock Vorilion's memory you unlocked something else that input in him...."

"What did you do?" Calicrum asked warily with a bad feeling in his mind but Alusec just smiled and said, "Five"



Calicrum eyes widened when he understood what Alusec did, "Send me back you bastard." Calicrum shouted but Alusec ignored him.



"As you wish I'll send you back..." Alusec said and snapped his fingers. Calicrum immediately disappeared.

"Zero" He finally stopped counting down and smiled while stepping out of the hot bath naked.

-Back in the celestial throne room

Calicrum mind returned to his body, his face looked pale as he tried to distance himself from Vorilion. The other gods watched him while wondering why he was acting weird.

Calicrum turned to face them as he spoke, "ru..." before he could complete the word...


An explosion took place that buried the whole palace. From outside it could be seen that the huge silver palace was collapsing and falling into the waterfall from the impact of the explosion.