Welcome back

After jumping into the dark underground passageway, the entrance closed up and Alusec landed on the stairs, some distance away. He leaped again landing several meters away in the darkness.

This continued for several minutes until he got to the end of the stairs. There was total darkness, but Alusec could see the tunnel way clearly. He kept moving forward until he got to a particular area, in the darkness. He turned left and walked towards the wall.

He touched the wall and....


The walls separated and blinding light engulfed the entire tunnel, showing an entirely different space within the dark world.

Alusec walked right in, the walls connecting back behind him.

He stared at the new space, it was a small world with a long golden path and different kinds of flowers planted on both sides, a green forest in the distance, two suns placed on the eastern and western part of the sky, there were large and beautiful birds of different kinds swimming in the distant skies.

Alusec walked on the golden road and from above it could be seen that the wall had disappeared. This was like a whole new world filled with the beautifulness of nature, with only a simple road that led to one destination.


Alusec looked up after hearing the flapping of wings in the sky.


A reddish-brown Kunpeng the size of a Truck, flew down from the skies and landed right in front of Alusec.

'Wow, she has grown bigger'

Alusec touched the face of the Kunpeng, rubbing it gently, "Ruby, Thanks for watching over this place while I was away." He spoke while smiling sincerely for the first time since his escape.

In response the Kunpeng turned into a beautiful female human with red pupils, a heart-shaped face, and reddish-brown hair. She was about five feet tall, her hair reaching her thigh area, while part of it covered the peaks glued to her chest.

After transforming she was stark naked, with tears welling in her eyes she knelt down and held onto Alusec robes, "Master... wu wu wu.... yo.. you're back... wu wu" A fountain of water was pouring from her eyes as she kept sobbing while holding onto Alusec robes.

Alusec materialized out of thin air, a long coat made of fluorescent light, and wrapped it around her body while pulling her into his embrace.

"Now, now, dear, there's no need to cry.... I'm here now..." Alusec spoke while rubbing her back, but that was like adding fuel to a dying out fire.

"Waaa.. wuuu... wuu... wuu..." tears kept pouring out from her eyes like a waterfall.

Alusec could only keep patting her back for about five minutes until she calmed down, but her eyes were still watery and red.

"ma-ster why did you, not let me fight by your side all those years ago? why did you bind me to the 'Miracules paradise' at the last second? Calicrum, that bastard, after everything you did for him, he still betrayed you and that bi*ch Yemoja... I should have been imprisoned with you all those years..." Ruby threw a succession of questions and statements at him while using her soft hands to bang his chest.

Alusec flicked his index finger on her forehead, which she held in pain,

"ow!" she reacted.

"If I had let you come, what would it have changed? They would have killed me if they could, but you coming will just add to the body count. I already caused the death of so many that I considered dear to me, directly and indirectly, I wouldn't be able to handle it if you were added too." Alusec spoke with his face flashing in pain while rubbing Ruby's hair.

"As for those that betrayed me.... they'll get what's coming to them," Alusec spoke with a glint of fierceness in his eyes.

Ruby knelt down to Alusec with her head slightly bowed, "I'm at your service, master, let me be an instrument to aid in your revenge..."

Alusec smiled at her with warmth filling his heart but she wasn't through yet...

"let's destroy those sons of bitches..."

Alusec; "..." (She is still as vulgar as ever.... I pity the man who will fall for her innocent looks and try to court her.)

"Hey Ruby, you're a deity now.... don't you think you should act a little more courteously," Alusec said while scratching his chin.


Ruby replied with a mischievous smile.

"Anyways, I need to get to the Miracule mansion... I'm not at full power yet and I can't fly right now." Alusec added.

Ruby nodded and transformed back into a gigantic Kunpeng.

Alusec jumped on her back and stood while crossing his arms across his chest.


With a flap of her wings, they disappeared into the sky, covering several hundred meters with a single flap.

Alusec stared at the vast world as they flew across the sky, his robes were flapping in the wind too much because of their speed so he created a wind barrier, on the ground beasts of different kinds could be seen in the forest area running about, if those hunters saw these beasts they would understand the rarity of their species and how they could only be found on different planets across the universe.

'She did a good job of keeping this space well, more life has bloomed here in the last five hundred thousand years. Little Ruby has really grown.' Alusec thought while reminiscing about how little she was when he found her.

They kept flying for ten minutes straight with the view of the golden road beneath them.

In the distance, a huge azure-colored castle, about half the size of the celestial palace could be seen suspended in mid-air with several transparent blueish lines connected to it in a web-like way. Those lines extended to the sky above and into the ground below.

On getting closer the lines were actually blueish chains formed in a web-like fashion connected to the building and suspending it above the ground.... but surprisingly above the ground, the castle was in a body of water.

The huge water covered the whole of the vicinity around the castle. If a person wanted to enter the castle, he or she would have to swim in the floating body of water.

'The spatial chains are still intact..' Alusec stared at the castle, after counting the chains and seeing them complete.

They finally got to the water area. The front was like a rectangular barrier, but Ruby flew right into it without any problems swimming freely and unrestricted towards the castle, until they got to the front of the two large front doors.

The huge doors open on their own and the got sucked into the castle.


The doors closed after Alusec and Ruby got into the castle and surprisingly, not a single drop of water got in when the castle doors were open.

Alusec and Ruby found themselves in a long hallway with a bright crimson carpet on the floors and glowing doorways lined up on both sides of the hall.