A weird meeting place

Static! Static! Static!

"Huh?... Where am I?" Alusec slowly opened his eyes to find himself lying in a dark cave. He lifted himself up checking his body. "How come I'm no longer injured?" He questioned in disbelief.

He looked around, only to see rocky walls and sweet-smelling flowers planted around. The flowers were shaped in a weird triangular way and were colored violet with a hint of crimson. They covered almost the entire place.

The flowers were planted at the edges and walls of the cave making a straight line. Alusec eyes followed the line of flowers and saw the back of a lady with long black hair, reaching the back of her legs manipulating water to fall on the flowers. Her hair looked so black and beautiful that Alusec lost his reasoning for a while, "Why does this look familiar?..." he muttered.

"Who are..." He was about to ask when the lady turned around.

She was a chocolate skinned beauty with beautiful brown pupils, chocolate upper lip, pink lower lip, a slim body but a well-defined hourglass figure. she wore an armless sky blue robe with a round red patterns all over, a slit which showed her beautiful legs. If anyone saw this lady he would definitely say she was the most beautiful female in the world.


The air turned heavy when he saw her face.

Tremble! Tremble! Tremble!

The cave started quaking as Alusec clenched his fist with a dark face.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Alusec asked while staring at her with murderous intent.

"Calm down... don't destroy the dream space." She spoke while smiling. She walked towards Alusec and stood in front of him.

If Alusec was a dog he would have already bared his fangs and bitten her, or if looks could kill he would have already committed murder with the eyes he was giving her.

Suddenly she hugged him. Although he was taller than her by at least two heads, she pulled him close and placed his head on her full chest.

Drip! Drip!

Alusec was about to push her away when he felt warm tears fall on his forehead. He was dumbfounded, 'is she crying?..' he wondered.

"I'm sorry... You had to suffer, isolated and alone for five hundred thousand years... i..." She was still speaking when Alusec pushed her away, cleaning the tears from his forehead, "you're sorry? sorry? hehehe.... sorry doesn't cut it.... you think you can just bring me to the place where we first made love and apologize, and then I'll just forget about everything I suffered, all the years I spent imprisoned because of your betrayal, all the innocents who were obliterated into nothingness because of you and that blue haired bastard... After I've destroyed that bastard student I raised up with my own hands... I'll come for your head too!" Alusec spoke without mercy.

Drip! Drip! Drip!

Tears kept pouring from her eyes after hearing what Alusec said.

"I know you hate me for what I did, I know that the planets you governed were destroyed because of me.... but I only did it to protect my world, if others are killed so that my world may survive then so be it.... if I had to relive that moment again I wouldn't hesitate in making the same decision..." She spoke while rubbing her tummy.

Alusec stared at her with a look of suspicion, 'This bitch shows no remorse!'

"What do you mean by, your world? which world are you protecting? If I remember correctly your home planet is Dhileha, which still restricts the power of gods till today. Stop making flimsy excuses, DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A FOOL?" Alusec shouted out the last sentence with rage. The whole cave trembled from the impact of his powerful voice.

"Calm down.... use your 'all discerning visuals' to check my tummy..." She said with a pleading look.

"Why would I do that? I don't want to stain my sight with such filth!" Alusec stated with a look of disgust.

"Please just do it! You will see why I did what I did!" She begged.

"No matter what it is! Nothing will ever change my mind about destroying you!" Alusec face looked demonic after saying this.

'All discerning visuals'

Alusec pupils turned whitish as he stared at her stomach. His eyes saw through the fabric of her garment, passed through her skin, and finally arrived at her internals.

Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump!

Although faint, he could see and hear it clearly. A tiny little fetus with a beating heart.

'She's pregnant for that bastard again.' Alusec thought.

"Your pregnancy changes no..." Alusec was about to speak when he felt something.

A connection to the fetus, he could feel a sense of familiarity, a bond of some kind that he didn't notice before.

"Did you feel it?" She asked when she noticed the look of confusion on his face.

"It's your child." She finally spilled the beans.

"What?" Alusec asked with a look of disbelief.

The words echoed again and again in his mind.


"I was already expecting long before Calicrum imprisoned you." She said while rubbing her tummy.

"Where everything got ruined was when Calicrum found out about the pregnancy..." She said with regret written all over her face as she started her narrative,

"It was only a week old at that time but Calicrum found out and gave me a supposed pregnancy herb to keep our baby healthy, only for me to take it and find out that our baby was no longer growing.... At that time you were still away visiting, Aurabole... Our baby was already two months old but I sensed that its growth was the same as a week old. I wanted to speed up its growth speed like the other gods and give birth before you got back so it would come as a surprise but I couldn't... I confronted Calicrum and he immediately confessed to giving me a concoction in which he inputted a 'time spell' to control the growth of our baby. He threatened that if I didn't assist in betraying you, he would never let me give birth and would reverse the time in my womb till our baby disappears. Our baby has been in a time loop for the past five hundred thousand years.

I will remain one week pregnant unless Calicrum dies or dissolves the spell so that our baby continues growing normally.... This baby is my world and I would never allow any harm to befall it." She narrated her ordeal to Alusec with tears in her eyes.