Recovering strength through battle (Part 4)


The mixture of their voices created a rhythmic sound that caused the waves to form above.

The Crab lord spawn was the first to go down since the clones had half of Alusec current strength, they rained down countless punches on it cracking its tough body. Some of them swam towards its claws grabbing both of them and pulling them, separating both claws from its shoulders.

After taking countless beatings the crab lord spawn finally breathed its last.

The only one left was the crab lord. The clones who dealt with the spawns flew towards the crab lord, swarming it with their numbers.

The crab lord kept taking beatings from every part of its body and it closed its eyes so they wouldn't attack it since it was a weak part of its body. It just kept waving its claws around but even with all that amount of clones, the crab lord had hardly taken any damage.

Not only was its body tougher than the rest, but it also had a golden armored carapace.

The real Alusec knew that with his current strength it would be impossible to break through the defense of the crab lord so he disguised with the current of the ocean, using the clones as a distraction while concentrating on his incoming breakthrough. He just needed to break through to the mid star transformation level to use a technique that would destroy the crab lord.

The clones kept attacking the crab lord, they knew they couldn't break through its defense.

The crab lord finally had enough of the beatings and increased the temperature of its body to the maximum.


The temperature of the region increased and that part of the ocean became sizzling hot in a few seconds.

The whole of the crab lord's body glowed crimson. The clones that punched its body at that moment, disappeared because of the damage. Once the clones took a particular amount of damage, they would disappear, and just going being close to the crab lord was already causing so much damage to talk less of having physical contact.

The crab lord was finally able to open its eyes since the clones could not come close to it and started attacking them with its right claw.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Clones kept disappearing as the crab lord could finally attack them.

After a few minutes, they were only a few clones left, the crab lord squinted his eyes in a suspecting manner. It finally realized that the real Alusec was never among these clones, to begin with.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

It finally destroyed the remaining clones confirming its discovery.

It floated in the ocean turning left and right looking for the real Alusec but no matter which direction it stared at, it couldn't find Alusec.

Suddenly he noticed something after moving several meters forward in underwater.

'Since when did this place have a lot of bubbles?' it thought while staring up.

just a few meters upward there were a lot of bubbles forming a kind of wall.

The crab noticed the wall of bubbles. It tried to look through it but it was to no avail.

Since this was the outer region of the crab's turf, it recognized that this place didn't use to exist.

The crab lord entered the world of bubbles because he felt that his opponent was hiding in here and he was right.

Alusec was the one that turned that region into a world of bubbles.

The crab lord kept moving around in the sea of bubbles,z even though he swung his claws at them wanting to use his size to his advantage and pop them, but no matter what he tried, it was as if the bubbles were Infinite.

After several minutes of transversing through the sea of bubbles, the crab lord finally sighted something and moved towards the direction of what it saw.

What he was constantly moving too and changing location so he sped up and swam fast towards it.

The crab waves clearing the bubbles around it when it was just a few meters away from what he saw.

That was when be saw it. A spherical water barrier with the person he was looking for in it.

Immediately the crab lord rage was ignited again, it swam fiercely towards Alusec, increasing the temperature of its claw again and stabbing at the barrier.

Just as the claw was a few feet away from the barrier, Alusec suddenly opened his eyes.


"Breakthrough complete!"

After saying that the barrier disappeared and the claw stabbed through water, without hitting anything as the crab lord expected.

It stared at the distance, wondering where Alusec disappeared to.

"Above you," Alusec spoke and the crab lord turned to stare at him,

'How did he get there?' It thought.

The crab properly inspected Alusec because he felt a kind of pressure coming from him.

"You're still at the sky transformation level, but why do I feel a kind of pressure coming from you?" The crab lord tried to clarify his doubts while mind communicating with Alusec.

"Oh? You're scared now eh?... When you die, you can go and ask your ancestors." Alusec replied with a snort.

"You're too full of yourself mortal.... prepare to die." The crab lord spoke in anger while swimming towards Alusec at full speed.

"You first... I'm not ready yet," Alusec smiled while replying.

Alusec didn't even try to dodge or move, he just stood in the same location, waiting for the crab lord.

When the crab lord was about a hundred feet away Alusec dragged his right arm back, straightening his palm,

"Space phasing technique.... divine water palm." After he said that a huge palm made of waves appeared in between them but the crab lord didn't stop advancing feeling that nothing could crack his armor.

Alusec thrust out his right palm and the huge palm made of waves also moved at the same time, towards the head of the crab.


It was just a few inches away from making contact with the crab lord it suddenly disappeared.

"Hmmm!" The crab lord looked around in confusion while Alusec just smiled.


All of a sudden the crab lord felt his internal organs rupture and started vomiting out blood.

The crab lord let its consciousness sink into its body to check out what was going on inside of it. When his vision finally arrived inside he saw the same palm strike from earlier that disappeared inside its body.

"Just in case you don't know what's going on, here's another one," Alusec said and performed the same palm strike again.

Even though the crab was injured it still tried to move away but even with that, the palm strike disappeared again and appeared inside its body, wreaking havoc on its internal organs.


The crab lord kept vomiting blue blood, contaminating the region. Cracks could be seen appearing all over his body.

"Looks like we'll be eating seafood this night, I'm tired of beast meat." Alusec held his chin while staring at the crab lord who finally succumbed to death.

"Now at mid-tier star transformation level... if I use this, I should be able to level up my strength a bit," Alusec said while bringing out a spherical object the size of a fist from his personal space.