Shocking The Crowd

A blazing inferno shot out of his mouth increasing the temperature of the arena and making the air sizzle due to intense heat.


Contrary to what everyone thought, the inferno didn't travel towards Alusec, instead, it paused in mid-air and started transforming. Ouyang was still breathing out the inferno from his mouth trying to complete the transformation, making the area get hotter.

Even the barrier couldn't block the heat as the spectators outside could feel it too which made them wonder, just how hot the arena would be on the inside.

Alusec stared in boredom and even yawned slightly, "So it turns out he can summon fiery monsters from his mouth, not bad let's wait for it to complete transformation,"

Finally, Ouyang stopped breathing out the inferno, and the transformation of the inferno got completed. He looked a bit pale but when he stared at the fiery monster a smile appeared on his face with a look of pride.

The monster made of flames was about twenty meters tall and had long slanted horns made of fire, it's head looked like a lion's while its body was like an ape. It was so tall that it's horns started to breach the barrier above. The large creature stared intently at Alusec after receiving a mental message from his master to get rid of him.

Fengshar and Culdur had a look of gloating on their faces feeling that this was enough to obliterate Alusec and they didn't even need to scheme. The scorching heat wasn't affecting them because of the barrier of flames that Ouyang erected around them, reversing the temperature inside.

Alusec was like an ant before the gigantic fiery monster.

The monster raised its right hand and started conjuring a gigantic fireball.


The giant fireball was very bright and the scorching heat made the spectators slowly step away from the edges of the arena, someone's cloth suddenly ignited, catching fire due to the intense increase in temperature of the surroundings. The elder quickly got someone to put out the fire, he stared at the arena, "Ouyang's source strength has increased, he's now at the half step sun transformation level, it won't be long before he has a breakthrough. Our Baki clan is finally going to get a good score in the tournament," Elder Bayi had a look of pride on his face as he told everyone to step further away from the arena, he was not even worried about Alusec because he was one of the elders who believed that Alusec was a fraud with ulterior motives. According to him, it would be better to get rid of the spy now.

The monster finally completely conjured the fireball and hurled it down at Alusec's standing point.


As the fireball made contact with the ground debris was sent flying everywhere as the radius of more than fifty meters was affected.

The dust and heat made it so that no one could see what was going on inside the barrier but everyone believed that Alusec must have been burnt to ashes except Briella.

"Thirty seconds of conjuring, so useless! That period is enough for you to be killed a hundred times," Alusec loud voice resounded throughout the entire arena.

On hearing his voice Briella had a beautiful smile on her face.

The three so-called big brothers had a look of shock on their faces but no one could see them and because of the debris that flew everywhere their visibility was reduced too so they didn't see that their colleague Ouyang was no longer by their side, instead, it was Alusec.


Alusec left hand connected with Culdur's right cheek sending him flying with several teeth falling out of his mouth in mid-air, he slammed into the barrier, breaking through it in the process and landing a few meters outside the arena.


His body slammed heavily into the ground creating a deep pit.

The spectators were surprised when they saw someone flying out of the arena and when they finally saw who it was their eyes nearly bulged out of its sockets.

They didn't believe that Alusec was the one who sent Culdur flying out of the arena, so they started thinking that the three geniuses were fighting amongst themselves but when the dust cleared up, they realized how wrong they were.

There was a gigantic crater inside the arena formed from the impact of the fireball but who they saw there was different from who they expected.

Ouyang was buried deep at the bottom of the crater and his fiery monster had disappeared while Alusec was standing opposite Fengshar, it looked like he was saying something.

"I gave the three of you the chance to come at me together, but instead you behaved cockily and tried to attack me separately," Alusec said while moving closer to Fengshar.

"Just because you defeated them by surprise doesn't mean you can do the same to me," Fengshar spoke while levitating in a backward motion.


Electric currents started running through his body like snakes and he raised his hands to the sky, "Lightning racket,"


The skies crackled with lightning as huge thunderbolts resounded, dense lightning-like webs, appeared in the sky, and a huge racket made of lightning about five meters in length was formed. it extended from the sky and Fengshar held onto it with both arms, swinging it ferociously at Alusec.


Even though their eyes couldn't really follow it due to the speed at which it was traveling, everyone was surprised to see such an amazing style of attack including Alusec, "What a good lightning technique, I have to steal.... no adopt this style when I regain my lightning source," Alusec said in admiration as the lightning racket traveled towards him. He analyzed what everyone was struggling to follow in slow motion.

In reality, it had only been two seconds since he conjured the attack.

Bam! Trrrraaaa!

The lightning slammed into Alusec but contrary to everyone's expectations again, he blocked it with left palm as he started floating in mid-air.

Fengshar stared wide-eyed at his lightning racket being stopped with one hand, it was hard for him to process thoughts.

"I like this attack so I'll be stealing it," Alusec's word made him confused.

Suddenly the lightning disappeared.

-"Eh? where did it go?"

The spectators were just as curious as Fengshar until they heard...

"Duplicate!.... Times two multiplier!"


The lightning racket appeared again but this time it was twice the size and now in the hands of Alusec.

The lightning around the racket cackled with much more intensity than before, even though Alusec was already floating ten meters above the ground part of the lightning from the racket still made contact with the ground causing crevices to appear on the arena.

As Fengshar saw his attack being duplicated with twice the size and strength, only one thing came to his mind, "Run!"

He turned around and started flying away from the arena with as much speed as he could muster but it was too late.


He could feel the intense, electricity headed for him covering the entire area with nowhere to escape to.

Bang! Trraaaahhhh!


Fengshar screamed as he was sent flying with a scorched body. The impact sent him outside the barrier but his situation was worse than Culdur, his whole body was smoked because of the lightning. All his clothes were burnt down, even his blond hair was nowhere to be found as it had been torched by the intense lightning.

After slamming to the ground outside the barrier, electricity could still be seen running around his body.

Elder Bayi's jaw nearly dropped to the ground. He saw everything that happened since he was a supreme being he had much better senses.

What shocked Elder Bayi was the way Alusec took them down, he used teleportation to exchange him and Ouyang's position at the time that the fireball was about to slam into him, which was not supposed to work due to the intensity of the heat that was affecting the space.

Then he used brute strength to defeat Culdur that was higher than him in terms of cultivation and afterward, he duplicated an attack and sent out times two of the power. Elder Bayi recalled everything and realized that Alusec used two sources, 'but even though that wasn't a reason for him to be this powerful right?' Elder Bayi was not able to think properly.

The crowd too were shocked.

'The battle just ended like that?'