Rhadelia's Awakening

-The Bali Mountain

Two beautiful females, one on white flowing robes and the other on short tight fitted green robes, sat down crossed-legged in a small cave a few centimeters away from each other.

They both noticed something and opened their eyes to stare at the entrance of the cave.

There a man on black Robes with a hint of gold and two females could be seen coming in.

They walked towards the two females and arrived in front of them.

"Lord Alusec," Both females called out to the man on black while also inspecting the females beside him.

'These two are so beautiful, I wonder what his relationship is with them,' the female on white who was obviously Briella wondered.

'I can't sense anyone of their cultivation levels, only the female with the sapphire green hair,' The female on the short tight fitted green robes who was Ivrena wondered.

'So these are the princesses of the clan, I can't believe I'm finally meeting them,' Rin was also in her world of thoughts as she analyzed both sisters.

"I caused a ruckus a while ago so let's go to another location for a while," Alusec said and proceeded to use the same teleportation spell as before.


A blue beam of light covered the entire cave and they all disappeared


In a second they appeared at the shore area after the forest opposite Baki city.

The teal green colored ocean waves hitting the shore could be seen and heard clearly.

Ivrena and Briella were still in their sitting positions but this time on the Sandy shore.

"Let me check your progress, stretch out your hand," Alusec said to Ivrena who nodded stretching out her right arm.

"Hmm," Alusec held her wrist checking how far she had gone with the energy circulation cultivation method he gave her.

"Good! your source channel points are filled to the brim with energy. Once you breakthrough you'll be able to channel energy faster and massively," Alusec praised while explaining making Ivrena's face beam with joy.

"Take this and drink the content," Alusec materialized a small container filled with red liquid out of thin air.

'what's that? it looks so beautiful,' Ivrena, Briella, and Rin had these thoughts staring at the glowing red liquid in the container.

Ivrena stared at the container with suspicion but she still accepted it.

'There's no way he would poison me when he can kill me easily,' Ivrena analyzed and proceeded to open the container.

The air became a bit weird but nothing out of the blue happened because Alusec was using his aura to stop any phenomenon that could have occurred.

Ivrena raised the container to her cherry red lips and was about to down the contents when...

"Wait?" Alusec suddenly told her to stop.

Ivrena held the container in position staring at Alusec weirdly.

"Rhadelia, are you awake?" Alusec's voice traveled through Ivrena, into her consciousness.

'Lord Alusec? you're here?' Rhadelia spoke from within Ivrena but only he could hear.

"Hnm, I'm here. Make sure you absorb every last drop or she's going to explode," Alusec reminded Rhadelia, making Ivrena's face twitch, 'I'll explode?'

Ruby already knew who he was talking to and smiled, 'I'll see that stinky dragon uncle soon,'

Rhadelia who was conversing with Alusec slowly like he was just waking up earlier, suddenly his voice sounded more excited as he replied, 'Yes Lord Alusec! I'm ready,'

"You can drink it now," Alusec said to Ivrena.

Ivrena wasted no time in downing the contents.

'Hmm!' Immediately the content entered her mouth, Ivrena felt a rush of unknown energy running through her innards. The taste of Alusec's blood in her mouth felt sweet and burning. Her throat started bloating up like that of a frog scaring everyone, especially her sister.

"Rhadelia!" Immediately Alusec called out his name, Ivrena's throat started decreasing in size until it returned to normal.


It was like a chain was being snapped in her body. Ivrena immediately broke through to the moon transformation level. She smiled in satisfaction after feeling her energy increase.

Blinding rays erupted from her as it formed the silhouette of a thirty meters tall white dragon with two horns protruding from the sides of his head.

They all stared at the huge dragon in astonishment. Ivrena couldn't believe her eyes, 'This is what Lord Alusec said was living in me?'

They had to arch their necks back to see Rhadelia's gigantic head.

"Mind your tongue little girl, I'm not a what... I'm the emperor of dragons," Rhadelia said with haughtiness.

"Ah, it speaks, "Briella and Rin shouted out at the same time.

Rhadelia had the urge to kill himself hearing that, "Why wouldn't I speak, do you take me for a mute?" Rhadelia's forehead started twitching in annoyance.

"Hahahaha," Alusec and Ruby laughed in amazement, "You just awoke and you're already causing a ruckus. Typical stinky uncle," Ruby said with a small chuckle. This reminded her of the old days. Rhadelia hadn't changed at all, unlike Alusec.

Rhadelia looked around seeing Alusec, Ruby, and Rin backing the ocean as they stood on the sandy shore a hundred feet from the ocean.

"Hey, shorty. You're still alive?" Rhadelia questioned with a look of disbelief as he stared at Ruby who was dressed in a lovely flowery red gown. When Alusec was being betrayed five hundred millenniums ago Rhadelia wasn't there, he was on a planet undergoing a mission for Alusec. When he came back he heard that everyone who fought on Alusec's side was exterminated. He knew Ruby would be willing to throw her life away for Alusec so he was surprised to see her here.

"Eh? who's a shorty?" Ruby asked with a threatening tone, "You seem to have forgotten that you're very small right now," Ruby said as she levitated and transformed into her kunpeng form.

This time she went she transformed into half of her full size, reaching a height of over two hundred meters.

Rhadelia's's eyes opened wide as he stared at Ruby Kunpeng form covering the entire shore area, and covering his view.

He was only thirty meters in length right now so he was like an ant before Ruby.

Rin, Briella, and Ivrena were amazed at what they were seeing. Dragons were not a thing on this planet so they were surprised to see a strange-looking creature like Rhadelia. Like that wasn't enough Ruby's transformation gave them a huge shock. Rin had never seen Ruby transform this large, just as Briella and Ivrena had never seen creatures of this size.

Ruby brought her large fish-shaped face down, close to Rhadelia's face.

"phhnnnnwww!" Ruby breathed out of her nose stirring strong winds.

Everyone'sgarment started flapping due to the intense wind but no one was blown away.

Rhadelia flinched and moved back subconsciously. Seeing this Ruby smiled and started transforming back into her human form.

'This demoness, she's not thinking about taking revenge on me for all bullying her all those years ago, is she?' Rhadelia stared at Ruby's innocent smile and which gave him a bad feeling in his mind.

"That's enough fooling around for you two," Alusec said with a smile which surprised Ivrena and Briella.

'Is he actually smiling?' They both had this thought as they had never seen Alusec smile.

"Rhadelia go back to her source world for now," Alusec commanded.

"Ruby draw a lavomer circle, we need to take drain her of the Baki bloodline," Alusec instructed Ruby while pointing at Briella.

"Ivrena, follow me!" Alusec commanded and walked towards the ocean.

Alusec stood just before the shoreline and asked, "How far can your telekinesis travel underwater?"

'How did he know that my source is space manipulation?' Ivrena wondered as she stood on his left a foot away.

Alusec held onto Ivrena's left arm and started levitating.

"Huh?" Before she could ask him what he wanted to do...


Alusec flew deep into the horizon above the ocean while holding onto Ivrena. Fierce winds blew all around making the ocean chaotic for a while.