Rewards (Part 1)

Everyone stared towards Alusec with surprise and suspicion, wondering who he was for the city lord and the patriarch to be so courteous.

The guard who was presently bowing with gritted teeth thought about it and raised his head to stare at Alusec, 'Just who is this man?... He has to be quite reputable for Lord Feline and Patriarch Hong to look this respectful before him,' Pilo scrutinized Alusec as he thought.

"Cultivator Alusec, please don't be offended by their impudence," Lord Feline added.

Alusec glared at him and smirked, "There would have been a massacre had they continued bugging me, but now it's alright.... I'll let you off this time!" Alusec arrogant words reverberated across the entire hall, making everyone gasp.

They wondered how a person could be filled with such pride. They believed that with these words or his, Lord Feline would get annoyed and send him out but instead the opposite happened...