Taking A Trip Down Memory Lane (Part 2)

 "Several hundred millennia ago, when I was still a young god envoy, I was given an assignment by the god-king back then.

At that time there existed a place called the divinity realm!

This divinity realm was a dimension that existed beyond the celestial realm. From the old age of gods to till date, no god had explored every part of this realm.

It had always existed and no one understood how it came into being. For every new part of the divinity realm explored there would always be new findings. Inexplicable things that surpassed the understanding of gods could be found in that realm.

One day a team of god envoys that were tasked with exploring a new part of the divinity realm found a treasure situated within the territory of some unknown beasts.

They took the treasure and got besieged by the monsters when they were about to leave with it.