
"That female killed the first mole I placed in there!" Sovereign Bishidum revealed with iciness as she stared at Ivrena. In her left hand was a greenish looking palm-sized rock.

Lord Yun's eyes widened as he heard that, "Your highness you mean that participant named Inousouke was a mole?"

Lord Yun asked with a look of disbelief.

"He is a failure! He couldn't get a single treasure that I listed down for collection!" Sovereign Bishidum ridiculed the dead Inousouke. Her eyes were laced with disappointment.

Lord Yun was still in shock as he wondered who else Sovereign Bishidum had placed there.

"He might be a failure but he's not entirely useless! At least he got us audio of the recent battle," Sovereign Bishidum stared at the greenish looking palm-sized rock with anticipation.

Lord Yun also stared at the rock in her hand, "Your highness, you mean th..." before he could complete his statement.
