Suspicions Intensify

"Not only that we also have the power to call even the god-king to order and give proper punishment for failure!" God Lord Endraki voice boomed like a huge hammer slamming into a hard surface.

"We the Five leaders have come here today to punish you God-king Calicrum for incompetence in your duties! Failing to protect the celestial realm from the hands of the abomination, allowing him to slip from your fingers twice and not being able to locate him till now! We can see through your farce!" A female voice that sounded light but thick at the same time sounded from behind. It was none other than that of the only female among the five leaders, goddess Anini. 

God Lord Inzusha started walking forward again till he was five feet away from Calicrum,

"The punishment for your failure is dethronement!" 

His words echoed in the ears of every celestial in the celestial plane.