Mind Splitting Technique

"Split your mind!" Alusec's voice appeared in their minds.

The demented spirits had paused in their tracks. Their outstretched arms, their bodies that were positioned in a running format, frozen. 

They all paused due to the technique Alusec just used.

"Split your minds!" Alusec voiced inside their minds again.

"Let it break into two... Separate them from one another and send them to the parts of your body you wish to control..."

Rin, Ivrena, and Briella who were on the brink of using their source energy due to mental breakdown were able to understand what Alusec meant.

Their minds were in a chaotic state earlier when they were being defeated.

Because of this state of chaos their minds were in, they were able to understand the technique Alusec wanted them to learn.

The mind splitting technique!

Alusec instructed them for a few seconds before they finally got it.