Foreshadowing Death

Her undergarments stuck to her skin proving they were wet. Glistening drops of water fell from her silver-colored long hair and her smooth skin glowed due to the obvious signs of wetness.

This female was obviously Ivrena who came out after noticing Caldruis had gone in the opposite direction.

She sighed in relief and quickly walked towards the intersection of the two streams.

She picked up both her robes that were now thoroughly soaked and went back towards the small cave behind on the left side of the canyon.

Step! Step! Step!

Her wet footsteps echoed in the dark wet cave.

This cave was comparable to a small apartment.

Ivrena walked towards the back and sat on the ground after placing her clothes on the pointy rocks that protruded from the ground.

She hugged her knees and breathed out light mist. She was feeling cold after the stunt she pulled.