The Plan

Triac and the clearing burst into existence in a starry plane of space, the white radiance of the shield around them piercing into the surrounding darkness. Triac lay on his back, blankly gazing at the surrounding stars above, as the clearing drifts aimlessly through space in its shining, white, bubble-like shield.

"All these..." Triac stretched out his arm, grabbing at seemingly nothing, and the skies vanished. He opened his palm, and upon it and around his forearm danced the heavenly bodies; stars of blue, white, yellow, and red, planets full of life and living things, dazzling nebulae and their curious shapes and myriad colors, synchronized and miraculous, a perfect image of the beauty of the skies. "All these wonderful things are mine... so why is losing them so painful?"

Triac waved his arm, and the sky was restored, but one red star remained twirling on his finger. "Raguel." Triac addressed the star and its form expanded, hovering in front of him, while a humanoid silhouette stood vaguely visible within.


" We lost Edo's world. Vinetum."

The silhouette within the star that made up Raguel stiffened. Lost a world? It was unprecedented. However, he couldn't let his mind wander. He immediately knelt, or at least the silhouette did, the star remained hovering.

"What do you need from me?"

"There is a Demon King."

Raguel hesitated for a moment, then weakly proffered, "A Demon...king? I don't understand." He shook his head in confusion.

Demons are beings of un-life, and non-existence, the opposite of what is. They embody the purest form of darkness, which is nothingness. One who ruled over nothing, what kind of concept was that?

Triac muttered, "It is the madness of the enemy."

Raguel raised his head swiftly. "So... that one. I understand why you called me, but-"

"You worry you lack the strength." Triac interrupted.

"Forgive my lack of faith in your wisdom." Raguel immediately responded.

Triac waved his hand dismissively, " I know you're not lacking in that regard. Do not worry, I will grant you the strength."

The radiance around Raguel's star brightened in excitement, "You mean-?"

Triac smiled, looking at Raguel like a doting father. "Yes, I will grant you supernova. Move somewhere without life. I will bear the cost, so there is nothing to fear."

"At once, Lord Triac!" Raguel radiated red light, illuminating the form within. He wore black plate armor everywhere but his head, with pale skin and fair shoulder length hair. The joy on his face was so clear it looked like his head might explode. He immediately rushed off into the distance, impatient to begin his Supernova.

This was a comprehensive evolution for a star, one where they shed their physical bonds and truly came into their power. This would always result in a devastating explosion in the surrounding area, as the name implies. Raguel had been on the cusp of his promotion for a few centuries, and given the recent circumstances, there was no longer a reason to hesitate.

"Go, Raguel. When you return, I will give you your Archetype." Triac smiled again in the direction Raguel sped off. He looked at the area around him, ripped borders of dirt and grass, with vibrant berry bushes dotted about. If he wanted, Triac could refine the edges, create and grow new plants, and make this clearing as altogether beautiful as the whole of Vinetum. But he didn't. This place wasn't valuable to him for it's grass or it's dirt, or even it's berries. The countless moments spent with Edo and Eva in this space, the memories built stood in his perception like a monument to the relationship they shared. So he left it untouched. "Time to find somewhere suitable for this place."

The bubble of light suddenly picked up speed, propelling through fields of stars. 'It has to be somewhere safe, under the watch of someone I trust, who can stand against this Demon King if necessary.' After a moment of thought, inspiration struck. "She's perfect." Triac grinned, and vanished into the distance at untraceable speeds.


The bubble rapidly approached an ovular planet, the middle of which is populated with rocks and magma, with a ring of forest on the outer edge, capped on either end with ice. It resembled some kind of odd multi-vitamin. This was to the taste of its guardian star, The Archetype of Piercing Flame, Uriel. She was a strange one, but energetic and fiercely loyal. Not only that, she had earned her Supernova a long time ago, and was incredibly powerful. Triac had contacted her as he approached, so she was already fully up to date.

Triac and the bubble touched down on the western forested region. There, a beautiful woman of tall stature stood, dressed in black and white chain mail shining resplendently. In her hand was a 6 foot sword sparking and humming. This was Uriel. Her famed flame blade looked solid as steel, but volatile as the flames of a star. On her back six white feathered wings speckled with orange and black hung, the tips wrapping around her torso.

After assimilating the new ground stably into the forest floor, Triac released the bubble of light. "Uriel, thank you. This favor is much bigger than it seems."

"Anything for you, The Most Honorable Lord Triac." Uriel grinned mischievously. Triac glowered at this unexpected expression.

"Just what have you been getting into Uriel?" Triac asked with exasperation. Sometimes he just didn't understand the quirks of his stars.

"Just a little peek at a possible future. It seemed rather fun , don't you think? All that pomp and grandiosity." Uriel winked with a curtsy as she unabashedly displayed her newly acquired strange habits.

Triac decided to ignore it for now. "Uriel, I am leaving this place in your charge. Do not let anything pass beyond the borders of this clearing. If anything tries to trespass, threaten them. If they persist... destroy them."

"Understood... Um- Triac?" Uriel's voice grew gentle and compassionate as she ventured a question, "What will you do? How will you save them?"

Triac looked into Uriel's eyes, as his eyes misted over. Of all the stars, only Uriel would be so bold, but he was deeply grateful for it in this moment. Perhaps, he wasn't quite as alone as he felt. Triac's expression quickly firmed.

"The Demon King walks hand in hand with Death and darkness. But he does not understand what he wields. Where he sees power I see nothing but flaws. I will let him have what he wants in abundance... and it will collapse under its own weight."

Uriel cocked her head. "That sounds risky. Are you sure you want to do this? Go about it in the wrong way and your place as Most High is at stake."

Triac chuckled, "I can read that pitiful, mad thing like the back of my hand. He wouldn't know the path. He is great at pretending, but little else. I worry for those over whom he wields control, and those who wield control over him." Triac hesitated after mentioning something he probably shouldn't have, before wistfully aiming his gaze in the direction he came from. "Edo, you fool... be safe."