Book of War

The light flickered for a brief moment, and the voice behind the clouds seemed hesitant, "Ah, no. I, uh, no definitely not." the sound of a throat clearing echoed out across the jungle. "I am Azazel." A humanoid silhouette descended through the beam of light towards the crumpled Eva. Its smoky hand, ensconced in vibrant blue light, reached to her heart.

"Ah!" Azazel recoiled in pain, his hand burning with a searing agony, like touching a hot stove. Of course, a star touching a hot stove would feel little, and in fact no living star had ever experienced a heat hotter than itself, so this kind of pain was unfamiliar and agonizing for Azazel. He hurriedly retreated back into the clouds, where a blue light flashed like a lightning strike, before the silhouette once more attempted a glorious descent. It was less impressive this time around.

"What just happened? What did you do?" Edo was quite fed up with all these unnatural occurrences lately, especially concerning his love.

"Edo, I'm fine. I actually feel some relief." Eva turned to Azazel, bowing "Thank you."

Azazel scratched his head in embarrassment, " I didn't really accomplish much. That's some curse. I doubt even Triac could break it so simply."

At his words, Edo and Eva revealed curious expressions. "Triac? He breaks curses?" Ed asked with mild surprise. Azazel's expression, in contrast, was quite amusing to behold. His lips twitched and one eye glared while the other grew wide, as mixed feelings of extreme confusion, surprise, and bitterness competed for dominance on his face.

"Just how much about himself did he tell you?" Azazel asked in exasperation.

Edo contemplated in silence, gathering all he recollected about what Triac said about himself. "When I awoke, he said, 'I am your Lord and Father, but please, call me Triac.' after that he said he needed to go for a bit but would come by daily to see how I was doing. The next day, when I woke up from sleep, Eva was there with Triac. He told me she'd be the planet's second resident. I didn't really get that part at the time."

Having spent so many years conversing with Triac, Edo naturally learned of planets and the wider universe. However, for he of so limited experience, such a grand scale was beyond his scope. Edo sighed, a distant look in his eyes, "But after that, he would just tell us his thoughts, feelings, and about the world, the stars, the people. That, more than anything, told us who he was."

A flash of envy shone in Azazel's gaze. "He spoke of the stars? What did he say?"

Eva smiled, "I remember one night. I was laying against Edo's belly, gazing at the stars, while Triac leaned against a tree, so relaxed, like he'd gone a whole week without eating but suddenly found a feast to gorge himself on-"

"Ahem." Edo cleared his throat while looking sheepishly at Azazel's silhouette.

"Sorry. I'm just a little hungry." Eva's tummy conveniently roared in agreement at this statement. Blushing, she continued, "Well, I was just remarking at how the stars are so brilliant, if they could speak they must have a lot of good things to say."

"Oh?" Azazel perked up at this, the blue radiance around him brightening considerably.

Eva giggled, "You know what he said?" Edo watched the approaching disaster bemusedly, knowing Azazel wasn't going to hear whatever he was hoping for from this story. "He said, 'The stars can speak. But nothing they have to say would be worthy of your ears. Though they look so far above you, I can't help but see you so much farther beyond.' Ah, when he said that I knew we'd found a true friend."

"More than that, you bawled your eyes out." Edo teased, with perhaps the slightest intention of stirring the pot. He wasn't sure why, but the easy to read Azazel made him feel mischievous.

As expected, Azazel's hopeful face quickly crumpled, the jealousy in his eyes burned dangerously bright. "Well, I guess I shouldn't have asked. Anyway, let me get this out of the way. I am the head of the three watchers. We have been placed in this temporary position by Triac to keep guard over you and the rest of your species on this planet. The other two prefer to work in anonymity, so if you need us, refer to me."

Edo and Eva were greatly startled. 'rest of your species.' These words rung in their ears like an echoing cannon. They weren't alone. There weren't just beasts and the Demon King on this wretched, cursed planet.

"Where are they?!" Both spoke simultaneously, the same question that burned in their minds exploding from their lips. Eagerly, they stared down the silhouette of Azazel.

Azazel ducked his head. Not because of the burning gaze of the two making him uncomfortable, but because he felt ashamed. How could he be envious of these two naive children, who merely loved their father, and were eager to meet their siblings? As a star he should know better.

"Maybe this is why I'm still blue," he muttered. Looking up, he realized he'd left the couple hanging and answered with this nonsense. "Ah, my apologies. Actually if you go 15 more miles that way," Azazel pointed to the southeast, "you'll find a city-state. Came together rather quickly by my estimation. Time's been weird lately." These last words came out in a whisper.

"City-state?" Edo and Eva exchanged glances.

Azazel placed his head in his palms. The Most High saw fit to instruct them on the glories of the heavens, but neglected such simple matters? "You'll know it when you see it." He decided to leave it at that.

Edo and Eva shared one last glance, then immediately turned to rush off in the direction Azazel pointed.


Azazel hurriedly called out to the two, and they paused their tracks to look back at him. "Patience, patience." Azazel chuckled. "Did you think that was all? I come bearing gifts." Azazel grinned widely. With this, he could make up for his previous attitude. "Firstly, for Edo." Azazel twisted his palm and a book fell from an undefined space somewhere up above perfectly into his hand. "This is the Book of War. It will enable you to unite the weakness of humans to form a singular strength." Azazel stretched out his arm, offering the manual to Edo, who didn't hesitate to snatch it up. 'With this, they can better resist the dark works of the Demon King.' This thought brought Azazel comfort.

Azazel turned his attention towards Eva. "Eva, please step into my light." Eva hesitated, unsure of what would follow, but she decided to trust Azazel, and, straightening her back, walked determinedly into the blue beam of radiance shining through the clouds. Azazel placed his palm on Eva's shoulder, and in just a second, she felt a jolt in her gut.

Azazel gently pushed her out of the light, as Eva touched her tummy in a daze. "What did you do to me?" Eva didn't take her eyes off her own body.

"Congratulations!" Azazel beamed.

Edo warily watched the scene, as Azazel went on.

"You're pregnant!"