Approaching Deadline

Above the dark, cloudy skies of Vinetum a star's gaze pierced the hole in the clouds that from above represented Ischuros. This was Azazel's true body, in all its radiant glory. Even in this form he was nervously keeping a close eye on the matters concerning Anak. His silhouette within the blue, fiery orb hunched over as if trying to peer as close as possible, though it was a futile gesture.

As Azazel was absorbed in his observation, a red and white fire flashed through the darkness and behind him the Archetype of Peace and Justice, Raguel, suddenly appeared in all his Supernovious glory, his eyes flashing and his sword drawn. He was clearly enraged.

"Azazel!" Raguel's eyes locked on the back of the small star as the flames within them threatened to spill out of their sockets. "You lied. You lied! Do you know what this means?"

Azazel froze the moment he heard Raguel roar out his name, terror emanating from every element in constant fusion across his star body. Which lie was it? Did he know everything? If he knew that he lied about the book there was no coming back. That was something Triac had requested. That lie was equivalent to lying directly in the face of the Most High. Azazel slowly turned his attention to the raging Supernova behind him.

"You said there was nothing else. But what do I see right before my eyes not one hour ago?" Raguel pointed, alarmingly accurately considering the distance, drawing Azazel's gaze right back to Anak whom he'd been watching. Seeing this, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He had a chance to talk his way out of this, though he couldn't completely avoid responsibility.

"Commander... Raguel, forgive me. After you had left, I thought about what I could do to make up for my mistake of losing the Book of War our lord needed from me. As I considered the difficult circumstances under which His most beloved children found themselves, I thought to myself, 'Why not bestow upon them a guardian?' And so passed a piece of power from myself into her womb, in the child that was already gestating there. This was in order to give them a child that would quickly grow into a strong and reliable defender in the face of the dark twisting of this world by the Demon King." Azazel then showed a wry smile, "Though the rate of growth has baffled even me."

Raguel's flames died down slightly as he calmed, and he sheathed his sword, "That's something else I intended to ask." He looked deeply past the flaming orb making up Azazel's outer shell into his eyes, " Just what have you done to make him grow like that? If what you say is true and he was but a not-yet-born human you bestowed power unto, how could he be at the stage of near manhood in but a year? Not even a child between a star and a human should grow so quickly."

When Raguel spoke those last words, Azazel was stunned.

'Not even a child between a star and a human.'

The way he said those words contained a hint of reverence. Reverence from a star would only be reserved for someone not only more powerful, but with higher authority. Authority represented the influence of individual will on the surrounding universe, in conjunction with natural and spiritual law. Beneath the Most High, Archetypes that passed through Supernova like Raguel were supposed to have the most authority. Yet, Raguel actually implied with his tone such beings would be even greater. A being that Azazel had made out of ignorance.

Yet even these great beings, which Anak was, weren't developed as quickly as Anak had. What was the mystery of his growth? Someone else must've done something.

"Armaros?" Azazel muttered to himself in suspicion, but Raguel heard this unbidden question.

"You think he did something to the child?" Concern quickly spilled into Raguel's eyes, making the flames within dim to near-embers. He saw the genuine confusion in Azazel's eyes and mistook it for a confirmation of Azazel's honesty. Raguel and Triac both knew exactly what danger Armaros posed to them, which really was none, even when he did inevitably betray them. However, with the new variable of Anak, and the possibility that Armaros was somehow involved, it raised other concerns. Raguel came to a decision.

"Azazel," He intoned seriously, "I'm going to trust you."

Azazel shivered at these words, wracked with guilt. 'They'll understand. When I've succeeded all will be forgiven,' he told himself.

Raguel continued, "I want you to figure out Armaros' plan and what he did to Anak before another year has passed. I will return at that time, and if you've done well, I will commend you for promotion." Raguel gave Azazel a friendly smile, "I believe in you. I know someday you'll even catch up to me." He reached through Azazel's roiling flames to pat him on the shoulder encouragingly, mistaking the guilt-stricken look on his face for reluctance.

His encouragement only made it worse for Azazel, who barely choked out, "It will be done," before darting away.

Raguel chuckled to himself. "He's a weird star, and foolish, no doubt. But he's got a good heart. I think he's got a bright future." Then Raguel looked down onto the place Azazel was watching before, "He really is looking out for those silly people." Raguel casually flung a hand, sending a wave of flame onto the barrier that surrounded Ischuros.

The people below gaped in terror as they saw the massive flaming tsunami from space fly their way, but instead of destroying the barrier, it wrapped around it, and began to fuse together with the symbols within, making the projected area much larger, pushing away vast swathes of clouds. Not only was more clean airspace made around the city, the barrier was no longer invisible, taking on white flame-like properties as the edges flickered and burned at any non-human intruders, spiritual and physical alike.

"There, Azazel. A little boost for your upcoming promotion." Raguel nodded in satisfaction with a gentle look in his eye, before heading back the way he came. He needed to report everything to Triac.


Wind whistled through a silent Ischuros, as moonlight streamed onto the peaceful, sleeping city. On the balcony of a luxurious mansion, Edo looked up to the stars, reflecting on his dream that time a year ago, today.

Azazel had appeared to him, timid and apologetic. It was right after he'd impregnated his wife. When Edo went to tackle him Azazel just threw some books at him, yelled something about a lack of gratitude, and that the last book would make up for his mistake, then Edo woke up.

After that, however, his and Eva's place in life had only improved, her illness notwithstanding. All thanks to those revelations, as they were now called. Thanks to Azazel, though he was loathe to admit it. Azazel was still a bastard in Edo's opinion, and the reason his wife was bedridden for a year. However, the child, Anak, was a good child. He was already beloved by everyone in the city.

Everyone, that is, except him. Edo sighed to himself. He knew how he treated Anak wasn't fair to him, and was only taking out his anger on the wrong person. Perhaps it was time he let go of old grudges.

As it happened, at that time Anak also stepped out onto the balcony. He too liked to look up at the stars as he mused about things. Seeing Edo, he avoided his gaze nervously, "Oh, sorry Edo. I'll go." He turned to leave, hand already at the door.

"No, wait." Edo called out, his hand reaching out. "You can stay. I don't mind."

Anak looked at Edo warily, unsure what to think, "Really?"

"Yeah." Edo smiled, stunning Anak. It was his first time seeing Edo smile in his short life.

Anak approached the edge of the balcony where Edo was balanced against the ledge, where a flower garden sprouted beautifully. "So... what were you thinking about." He offered awkwardly, unsure where to place his hands. He ended up leaning with his hand directly in the dirt of the garden.

When his weight pressed down, the hanging clay pot holding all the dirt and flowers broke off its clasp and fell to the street below, as Anak slipped and held onto the edge to keep from stumbling on the patio.

It made quite the comical sight, and Edo chuckled as he answered.

"About you actually."

Anak stood up rapidly, wiping his hand on his leg, with a deeply shocked expression for the second time today. He once again asked, "Really?

Edo laughed out loud. "Yes, really. Am I such an unreliable person you have to question everything?"

Anak blushed, casting his gaze downwards "What.. uh- what about me?"

Edo looked at Anak, once again feeling how unfair he'd been to this boy desperately seeking his father's approval. "Just... well- Well, how would you like to call me Dad?" Edo asked, before he too took on the same awkward expression as Anak.

Anak stared at Edo in silence, unable to speak. His thoughts were awhirl with confusion. He thought he'd already gone through all that, loving then hating Edo in turn, but here the man was, offering him what he'd always silently asked for with his every action.

Edo coughed embarrassedly, "Well, just think about it. So what did you come out here for?" He quickly changed the subject.

Anak's eyes turned serious. He looked at Edo, "What do you know about the slaves?"

Edo looked at Anak with surprise. So, it was something like that. He felt a bit of pride that Anak was concerned about something truly important, surprising himself. He felt pride in Anak? Was this what it meant to have a son?

"I see. Yeah, it isn't right "Edo sighed deeply, "I'll tell you a secret, Son. Slaves were here before we ever brought the Book of War. Those who rule hate to pay for labor. They now use the words I gave them to justify their cruelty, but it was always theirs from the start. Its not something I want. The way I see it, our enemy is the Demon King, not other people." Edo felt a bit of anger at the thought that the things he wanted to use to bless mankind were being used to oppress them instead.

Anak looked at Edo with shining eyes. His mother did love this man for a reason after all. Anak saw a bit of it in the Edo speaking now. "I understand. Three days from now, for the favor the king offered, I'll request their freedom. Don't worry... Dad" He looked at Edo with a mixture of determination and apprehension.

Edo slightly started, "You called me dad." He smiled.

"Well, you called me son." Anak blushed.

Edo was silent for a second, recalling, before he laughed. "I guess I did." Edo shook his head. What was he doing all this time, rejecting this boy? He felt like slapping his old self as he felt an inexplicable joy well up within him at being called 'dad.'

The two of them walked inside talking and grinning. Eva, who witnessed it all peering from a window in another room, was left ecstatic at the sight.