The Great Scapegoat

"Great, Armaros." Raguel resisted the urge to roll his eyes as the seated Archetypes looked at Armaros with pitiful glances while they stretched their own gorgeous wings.

"Demon King." Triac forcefully pressed on with the proceedings, "Was it your idea to give humanity edited and corrupted forms of the divine arts and sciences?" He glowered at the quaking Armaros.

"It was not." As he said this, the Demon King subtly shifted his glance Azazel's way.

Raguel picked up on this and gestured for Triac's attention. "Lord, I'd like to ask him a few questions."

Triac nodded, giving Raguel permission. He had allowed Raguel to take equal standing with him in these proceedings so he might better learn the nuances of the Justice aspect of his Archetype. Archetype was both name and form, and the closer his form fit the name, the better the name would fit him. There was no reason to deny him experience in meting out justice among his peers, for whom he had been called as Peace & Justice to judge in the first place.

"Demon King," Raguel started his inquisition, "who exactly planned the aforementioned act?" He leaned forward, his fingertips forming a steep pyramid under his chin.

"You may answer the question." Triac released the seal on the Demon King's speech for the duration of his answer.

"Suffice to say, you already know the culprit." The Demon King answered vaguely, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Bestill your deceitful tongue, Serpent!" Triac admonished, pounding his fist on the desk. " Did you forget I can see your heart? Answer truthfully and clearly."

Demon King Asmodeus looked at Triac in admiration once more. He still dared look on his twisted heart? Such bravery. Asmodeus chuckled, "Azazel started it all, of course."

These words were not technically lies, as Azazel had been the first to decide to give a divine art to humanity, the divine art of warfare, as written in The Book of War. He had also partaken in the delivering of the rest of the initial bunch alongside Armaros. However, this truth came at an awful timing that directly painted Azazel as the mastermind. This was how a master of lies used the truth.

Triac glanced over at Raguel concernedly. For this inquisition he had handed full authority over to the Archetype of Peace & Justice. Triac knew the Demon King was hiding something important. It was likely Azazel was a patsy, but would his beloved newest Archetype see through it?

Raguel flared in anger as he stared at Azazel. This young star in whom he'd placed the highest of hopes and expectations had let him down spectacularly, lying to him, over and over again. Now, it even appeared as if he had been deliberately manipulating him all along.

Raguel felt the rage boiling up, but he knew he couldn't lose his calm under these circumstances. From his right eye a white flame poured out over his body, covering him like a cloak. It painted a glorious picture, as his white and orange wings of flame extended behind what looked like a man made of white flame. The Flames of Peace eventually stilled his rage, helping him collect his thoughts, and he finally extinguished them.

Raguel turned his attention to the rest of the two-hundred stars bound together. He questioned them one by one with a single question; "Was Azazel your leader?"

When Arakiba was asked he gave a polite smile and answered. "Oh, yes. I always had to do as he said."

"It's already well known I follow Armaros as his aide. However, Azazel always felt he had the right to order me about." Asael pompously declared.

Ramiel shouted like a maniac, "Everyone was always ordering me around! Nobody respects me! Especially Azazel!"

It was Tamiel's turn, and Azazel cast a hopeful glance at the star that had always seemed to favor him. Tamiel saw his gaze, and gave him a smile and a wink. Azazel felt a twinge of relief. At least one of them was on his side.

"Yeah, Azazel was one of the big dogs for sure, the biggest dog really." Tamiel professed cutely.

"What?!" Azazel was dumbfounded, "Are you playing with me, Tamiel?!" Tamiel shrugged impassively and she smirked slightly at the devastated Azazel.

"Silence." Raguel coldly glared at Azazel. "Let's continue."

One by one, the rest of the stars confirmed, in one way or another, that Azazel was more or less in charge.

"Azazel." Raguel called the name of the star in question, making his hanging head snap up. "You are undeniably the mastermind of this conspiracy, do you have anything more to say for yourself?" Raguel sat back and gave the floor to Azazel one last time before his deliberation and judgement.

Triac watched this scene with a pained heart. He knew that it was unlikely Azazel intended to make Vinetum fall. These other one-hundred and ninety-nine were far more suspicious, their hearts swirling with malice and deceit. However, the words they said were all true, at least in the opinion of those speaking them. It was undeniable Azazel had fallen and was fated to banishment. Perhaps, if he went along with this charade for a bit? Triac began planning a method to see justice done through the injustice being perpetrated.

Azazel was panting in anger, fear, anxiousness, and hatred. One little feeling of jealousy, one little feeling of guilt, one little attempt to make things right. And now what? He's the mastermind of a fall on the level of the Evil One?

'Well, if that's what they want from me...' Azazel's brows crumpled into an expression of pure rage, but he wore a forced smile that stretched from ear to ear. "I say you are a fool Raguel. So easily deceived. You so want to believe, don't you? You want to think everyone just always has the best intentions at heart. Well, I have news for you, Peace & Justice," Azazel spat out the name of the Archetype like a spoiled fruit. He stared down each and every member of these stars who'd set him up as he said his next words, "Some of us are just rotten from the start. Loving lies, loving greed, loving lust, loving curses and dark, ugly things. Why, to expect someone like that to do anything right or beneficial is just the height of foolishness. Don't you agree, Armaros?" Azazel spat every venomous word with a bitter tone, but the horrid smile stayed pasted on his face as he stared down the star he'd made a pact with, leading him down this path.

"Right you are, Azazel." Armaros finally found a speck of courage once he saw the spectacular way in which his framing had succeeded. He completely disregarded the fact that it was the Demon King he cried to, and not himself, who'd started the ball rolling.

"Then in the name of the Most High, by whose authority I judge these proceedings, I declare you banished, along with all your cohorts." Raguel sentenced.

At this moment Triac prodded Raguel, jolting him slightly from his concentration. Raguel, seeing the look on Triac's face nodded, and continued. "All further conditions of your banishment will be determined by the Most High."

Azazel looked to Triac bitterly. He was already sentenced, what more was there? Would he be trampled upon even further by the one he loved the most?

"Azazel," Triac spoke gently, his eyes radiating compassion, "I know you feel betrayed. I see your heart as well." Triac gave a pained smile, "You made one mistake. You have confused good intentions with a righteous heart."

This statement by Triac shook Azazel, as he tried to understand what the Most High meant.

"You gave the Book of War to Edo, but in this you did not err. From a pure heart you sought to empower my beloved. You were merely misguided. You impregnated Eva," Triac's tone grew slightly agitated, "and though this was perhaps your greatest mistake, you did not err in this either." Triac sighed, "But then... you lied. Knowing full well you should not lie, in violation of conscience, you chose to deceive rather than admit your mistakes, using intentions as justification." Triac's posture suddenly straightened, as he voice took on a regal, authoritative air, "But it is not your intent that justifies. I alone justify, and I alone condemn. I have said it twice today, and by the rule of three I declare this a higher truth; I look not at the mind, but upon the heart."

Azazel trembled uncontrollably, tears beginning to fall from his eyes and evaporating in his blue fiery radiance. He finally realized, it wasn't just Raguel or Triac he'd been lying to; he'd been lying to himself as well.

"Your despair is warranted, but look and see justice done, you tragic, fallen thing." Triac continued, his voice trembling with sorrow for just a moment before he regained his composure. "Just as I see in your heart the darkness of deceit, so too do I see this," Triac's tone grew marginally warmer. "You never tried to harm Vinetum, or my children there."

Azazel raised his head, eyes wide. Unexpectedly, It was the one he'd trespassed against who believed him the most.

Triac coldly scanned the remaining stars bound to Azazel, "The malice in your peers is immeasurably deep, they certainly have sought such things. But if these fallen desire you as their leader..." Triac then grinned devilishly, "I will make it so."