Sedition & Rebellion

The sound of hard sole on stone echoed through the narrow passageway bathed in the light of torches. Three figures walked at a brisk pace through the winding corridors, the orange radiance of the flame dancing across two familiar faces; Edo and Eva. They followed behind an old woman with a tight gray bun and a sour face to an open entryway, from which a blue glow spilled. The woman stepped aside to let the two pass.

"The King awaits you." She mumbled, and gestured stiffly with her wrist towards the portal.

Edo and Eva exchanged glances, before squeezing each other's hand tightly and stepping through. Inside, it was like their old paradise reborn. Bright yellow light stretched across an open sky, as birds and bugs danced on the wind. Verdant grass waved lazily in the breeze, and there were no clouds in sight, black or otherwise. A large stone table with legs in the shape of paws boldly stood in the center of this idyllic atmosphere, where two figures awaited in similar stone seats.

Eva's face lit up at the sight, nearly overwhelmed by nostalgia as she recalled those happy years before the Demon King. She kicked off her sandals, and gripped the soft grass with her bare toes. Giggling, she whispered to Edo, "It's almost as soft as back then."

Edo merely nodded, his eyes locked onto the man at the head of the table, wearing a simple circlet as a crown. The man returned his gaze with a smile, "Please, take a seat." His voice carried a firm yet gentle authority, and Edo and Eva sat in the two empty chairs on the other side of the table. Looking across the table at these two, the first man and woman, his eyes displayed a keen interest and curiosity. "Though we have corresponded for some time now, I would like to officially introduce myself. I am Ker-V'as, King of Tabselem. It is my greatest honor to finally meet you in person." He dipped his head ever so slightly, yet it was a weighty nod to come from a king. Tabselem may only be a city-state under the overall domain of the Haskud Kingdom, but Ker-V'as was its king before Gel-ad ever dreamed of conquest.

Bowing his head humbly, Edo replied. "You flatter us too much. We are but refugees at this point, not courtiers of Gel-ad." Eva smiled bitterly as she squeezed her husband's hand.

Ker-V'as chuckled and spoke with a bemused expression, "It is no flattery. There was a time when you would've ruled as my king, and I your right hand. Though that is long past." His last statement passed with a grimace.

Exchanging confused glances, Edo and Eva spoke in unison, "Huh?"

Flushing with embarrassment at the unintelligible noise that just presented itself as a question to the King of Tabselem, Eva attempted to clarify. "At what time did we rule, or ever have you at our right hand? Do you know something we don't?"

King Ker-V'as shook his head slowly, "Some things, but you know far more about others. One of which is the situation in Ischuros; this is why you're here after all." He brought the topic around to the main issue of their visit seamlessly, demonstrating the qualities that made him king. "Tell me, did that moron really declare you and your son traitors?" Ker-V'as had attended Anak's breakout performance in the Ischurian arena, witnessing his unparalleled strength. He knew just how valuable to a nation such a warrior could be.

Edo's eyes bulged at the way to which King Gel-ad was referred as he fought to restrain his laughter. Finally regaining his composure, Edo told the king everything from Anak's attempts to help the slaves to his final disappearance and the circumstances leading up to it.

Ker-V'as sneered, "So, for the grief over his wastrel of a son, he would make an enemy of the one man who could single-handedly ruin his dynasty? Moron was too polite. How such a fool gained the favor of the stars and their knowledge of war I'll never know." the King of Tabselem shook his head with equal measures of envy and helplessness.

Edo offered a wry smile and he sheepishly replied, "That... may be our fault. When we arrived in Ischuros we were under some... misguided... impressions of our role. Under those impressions, we gave up the Book of War to the city of Ischuros to be disseminated throughout humanity. It didn't quite happen that way."

"You? It was you? So how did you obtain it?" King Ker-V'as' eyes nearly popped from his skull as he fervently sought to satiate his unending curiosity.

"Well... It was just given to us. Azazel-" Edo stopped short after saying the fallen star's name, afraid he'd reveal too much.

"Given to you..." Ker-V'as mumbled in envy and awe, not even noticing the hitch in Edo's speech. "Do you think you could give this knowledge to Tabselem? We might finally be able to free ourselves from the tyrant's grasp if we had it."

Eva shook her head and Edo's face reflected deep regret. "We only had the one copy. It now sits in the vaults of the king's palace. " Edo sighed. Aiming a sharp gaze at the King of Tabselem, Edo asked incisively. "Do you realize, however, that you are speaking of open rebellion, treason? Aren't you afraid of being found out?"

Ker-V'as laughed delightedly. "And who's going to tattle, you? You'd be killed before you could even make a gesture." The king stood from his seat, his posture straight and proud. "The moment I took you in, I condemned myself as a traitor before Gel-ad. This was inevitable. But worry not, my people won't betray my trust. They have served this house before Gel-ad was even a name."

At that moment, a youth burst through the portal entrance panting for breathe. After a few heaving gulps of air, he straightened up and announced, "My King, I have an urgent message." acknowledged by a nod from the king, he continued. "Ischuros is in chaos, the city center in ruins. A massive battle seems to have taken place in the city."

This time even the man beside Ker-V'as, only silently listening this whole while, exclaimed loudly. "What?!"

The King aimed a sharp glare at the messenger and asked him in a dangerous tone of voice, "Everything you've said is true, right? You haven't been bought by Gel-ad's spies?"

The youth nodded rapidly in terror, "I swear. Every word."

"Anything else?" The king asked further after a moment of inspecting the boy's face.

Nodding, the messenger spoke at super speed, "The Magus' Order have abandoned the city in the night, evading investigation by the King's forces, so we're told. The tower where they were based was reduced to rubble, but even the rubble has vanished along with them. Also, Anak has returned."

"Anak!" Eva exclaimed in joy and surprise. Rushing to the messenger boy she assaulted him with an endless barrage of questions. "How is he? Is he hurt? Was he in the battle? Did he start the battle? What about Tzipora? Did anyone see a slave girl with him?"

The hapless young man felt his head start to throb under the overwhelming pressure of a mother's worry. "Miss, please. I don't know anything else." He held his hands up in a placative gesture and backed away as slowly as he could.

Eva made a frustrated noise and turned to Edo. He gave her an understanding smile, "Come sit, dear. We know where he is, that's good. He's alive, that's even better. I doubt he came back without a purpose." Eva held back tears as she silently nodded. These long months without Anak had been hard for her, especially with the curses bound to her heart. She couldn't stop worrying even knowing what Edo said made sense.

"You make a good point." King Ker-V'as mused as he put together everything he knew about the situation. "And I'm willing to bet he plans to free the Ischurian slaves. Knowing this, we can make a few plans to oust the tyrant king." Ker-V'as smiled a broad smile at the thought. "And we may even be able to provide an opportunity for your son while we're at it."

"So, what's next?" Edo asked with anticipation.

"First, we need allies. I know a few others in a similar circumstance to myself. Kings of their own people and cities, but bound under the tyrant Gel-ad. There will surely be some who still resent the demotion." Ker-V'as rubbed his chin thoughtfully, his eyes growing distant as he mused over how to win over his peers. He didn't need the Book of War to be a natural at it, apparently. "In the meantime, I'll have the servants make up quarters for you in the palace. Feel free to relax and live comfortably until I need to call on you again. Once again, I am truly honored."

With that, Edo and Eva exited through the portal back into the torch-lit passage. Watching them leave, King Ker-V'as' eyes started to brim with tears of joy. Looking up, he directed a prayer to the Most High. "Thank you, for letting me do at least this much."