Name Pronunciation, Characters and Locations

Forgive my poor attempt at phonetic spelling, hopefully it communicates what it needs to. Characters are listed in order of appearance.

Character List:

Triac- TREE- occ

Edo- EH- dou

Eva- AY- vuh

Raguel- rah-GYOO-ehl

Uriel- yoor- ee- ehl

Azazel- ah- ZAHZ- ehl

Armaros- AR-muh-rohs

Asmodeus- as- MOW-dee-us

Apollyon- Uh- PAWL- ee- on

Yogsoth- YAWG- sawth

Baal- bah-AHL

Arakiba- ah- RAH- kee- bah

Anak- uh- NOCC

Ramiel- ra-MEE-ehl

Tamiel- ta- MEE- ehl

Asael- AH- suh- ehl

Urmu- URR-moo

Gel-ad - gehl- AD

Tzipora- zi-POOR-uh

Yothr- YAH- thr

Bian- BEE- ehn

Aru- UH- roo

Mammon- MAM-on

Susiki- soo- SEE- kee

Sam-el- Sam-EHL

Sig- sig (if it wasn't obvious.)

Lisma- LIZ- muh

Karanu- KAIR- uh- noo

Amel- Uh- MEHL

Rimanqu- Ri- MAHN- coo

Libbi- LIH- Bee

Leviathan- Leh- VYA- thaen

Horchal- HOOR- call

Osk- Ahsk

Shora- SHOR- uh

Gehain- geh- HAYN

Rygald- RY- gahld

M'lak/ Nmallilack- MUH- loc / Ehn- MAHL- ee- lock

Ramfa- Rahm- fah

Elidam/ Amelserrudaku- e-LY- dum / Uh- MEHL- seh-roo- dah-koo

Akal- Uh- KAHL

Shusa- SHOO- zah

The Oracle/ -

Hajul- HAH- zhul

Alkar- AWL- kar

Barbatos- BAR- buh- tows

Ker- V'as- kAIR- vaish

Kiriu- kEER- ee- yoo

Shot- L'pav - shAWt- Luh - pawv

Gyrud- Geer- ood


Vinetum- vih-NEh- tum

Ischuros- Iss- Kur-ows

Haskud Kingdom- Hahz- KOOD

Mimma- MI-muh

Medith- MEE- dith

Cardimina Protectorate- kar- DUH- mee- nuh

Tabselem- Tab- seh- lehm