Bounty Hunting

Gulping audibly, the trio of crooks slowly backpedaled, keeping their wide, terrified gazes locked onto Anak. "L-listen, ok? I wasn't serious, I just… I just..." The flame-footed leader, Gyrud, stammered out something like an excuse without finishing, then bolted with all the speed he could muster. His lackey's, after noting his disappearance, weren't far behind.

"Well, I can't just let this go, they might kill someone in the future." Anak mused to himself, before darting after the fleeing muggers. With his physique, catching up to these scruffy weaklings wouldn't be a problem. "L-leave us alone!" The panicked lackey at the rear cried out as Anak closed the distance.

A smile crept onto Anak's face as he saw the terror of his would-be killers. He swiftly made strides until he was right on the tail of the rearmost lackey. "I can't do that." He replied, before tackling him and knocking him unconscious with a sharp, quick blow. Just as quickly he gave chase to the remaining thugs, a grin plastered across his face. For the first time in a while he could take pleasure in a fight, not worrying over what may happen if he fails.

After a brief fiery flash and screams of terror emanated to the outer streets from the side alley, Anak emerged from the dark street dusting himself off, Gyrud slung limply over his shoulder. Making his way to the first guard station he could find, Anak slung his burden to the floor. "Delivery for you." He quipped with amusement.

The guards, lazily slumped back in their seats at a table playing a number game, looked nonchalantly to their delivery, before leaping up from their seats. Shock and fear were written all over their faces. "Is that the Flame Foot?"

Anak raised his brow, "Oh? So I guess he was fairly infamous then?"

The guards exchanged incredulous looks, before answering as one, "Well, yeah."

Anak nodded and gestured to the floor, "Well, he's all yours now. I'd put him in prison before he wakes up if I were you." Anak turned to leave, his business here done.

"Hold on a minute!" One guard called out and put his hand on Anak's shoulder. Anak paused looking back wordlessly, annoyed at the interruption. Were they going to arrest him too? For what?

Seeing the look in Anak's eyes and gulping nervously, the guard continued. "This isn't just some thug, y'know? Surely you'll be after the reward."

Anak's interest was finally piqued. "Reward? What is it?"

The guard held up his hand, gesturing for Anak to wait a moment, then turned to a wall lined with notices and announcements written on parchment.This was where all the major bounties were kept for the guards reference. Ripping one of the larger ones from the wall, he handed it to Anak. "Can you read?"

Anak nodded and took the parchment. It read ' "Flame Foot" Gyrud: Wanted for robbery, murder, and bovicide. King Ker-V'as of Tabselem decrees for the death or capture of the criminal a reward of five-hundred silvers. A reward of one silver will be awarded for information leading to the death or capture of the criminal.'

Anak's brows shot to the skies, as he asked incredulously, "Five-hundred?! For this loser?" Anak was at a complete loss. Five-hundred silvers should be the equivalent of five kazur gems. This thug could be beaten by just about any of the young warriors he was familiar with back home, Flame-Foot or not. The enchanters would wipe the floor with him. Not that there were any enchanters in Ischuros besides Urmu and his retinue left. Anak wouldn't have paid five kazur gems for Urmu's head, let alone some street mugger.

The guards heaved themselves onto their seats, Anak's words stinging them worse than they would Gyrud. They were after all guards, meant to keep a hold of crime and criminals in Tabselem. "We're not Ischuros, you know?" One muttered bitterly.

Anak cocked his head in confusion. "I don't understand. What does that have to do with it?"

The guards looked despondently to each other. How could they possibly explain all the circumstances that led to Flame-Foot being one of the most powerful people in Tabselem. Firstly, there was the tariffs that the capitol had suddenly imposed, forcing the conquered city-states to pay extra for Ischurian goods, which they couldn't do without. Ischuros was just on the edge of the Sea of Non, the most bountiful source of meat in the country. The rivers which flowed from the sea weren't large enough to contain the larger, meatier fish which Ischuros had in abundance. They also had the most bountiful orchards and vineyards, fruits and vegetables that couldn't be grown elsewhere grew abundantly on the coast. Even further, the magic items manufactured by Ischurian mages and enchanters, which were essential to the life of an Haskudan, had recently tripled in price, along with the added tariffs. To any city that wasn't Ischuros, five-hundred silvers would stretch to cover maybe a month's comfortable living, three months of frugal living, or a day's extravagance. Mammon's work had begun once again.

Secondly, King Gel-ad wasn't inclined to share the revelations with any of his conquered territories, and so their combat prowess was constantly lagging behind. The most they could do was pay exorbitant prices to an Ischurian enchanter for an enchantment brand, which most naturally couldn't afford, including the guards and soldiers. Even those enchanters had suddenly vanished recently, no trace of them left anywhere.

Finally, one said. "I'll take you to see the magistrate. He can give what you're owed and perhaps even answer your questions." Leaving it at that, the guards led Anak closer towards the large building in the center of the city, Gyrud hoisted between them. Along the way, Anak noted the clothing and appearance of the average citizen. They seemed to be wearing little more than rags, mostly, and were thin to the extreme. Clearly poverty was a major problem in Tabselem. No wonder that old lady he'd first met was so greedy.

Finally they arrived before a squat, white building, made of polished stone. Throwing their charge inside, the guards informed Anak this was the place. They left him alone standing before the small entrance. Anak stepped inside, barely able to squeeze through the door-frame. He placed a foot solidly on the unconscious Gyrud, strewn across the floor. Inside was a single room, at the center of which stood a podium. A bearded old man stood behind the podium, making notes on parchements.

Anak cleared his throat for attention, then kicked Gyrud towards the podium, who awoke with a pained cry. "Some trash for you."

Looking over his podium, the old man took notice of the curled up form on the floor wailing in pain. Chuckling bemusedly, the man replied, "Oh, ol' Flame-Foot is it? Nice catch. You bounty hunters have been this city's salvation, so please, accept this with my gratitude." He held out a heavy bag, clinking with coin.

Anak nodded, not bothering to explain he wasn't a bounty hunter. "Thanks," Anak said as he took the reward.

As he did so, a group of soldiers marched in from an unseen back door, scooping up the hapless flame-footed crook. Without much resistance he followed them presumably to a prison.

After Gyrud was gone, Anak asked urgently, "Do you know where I can find the fastest transportation to Ischuros?"

The magistrate nodded and explained, while once more making his notes. "There's a teleportation array just outside the palace. It costs 300 silver to use, but you can afford it." He made a pointed glance at the reward in Anak's hand. This was the magistrates scheme, a rather brilliant one. He would offer copious rewards for the capture of dangerous criminals, to lure in the bounty hunters that could actually solve their problems. Most of these came from Ischuros, and when they needed to go back, they would have to pay over half their reward back to the city, or make a month's long journey.

Anak smirked, taking note of the scheme, but not caring much. He didn't plan on making any money here, so he was coming out with a two-hundred silver profit, plus a swift journey home. All in all, this detour had only cost him a slight amount of time. "Thanks." He kept his reply short, and hurried towards the teleporter.

The magistrate watched him leave in mild surprise. Most bounty hunters would make some kind of scene before accepting they had fallen for his scheme, but this large fellow didn't seem to care at all. "Yup, he's an interesting one." The old man chuckled to himself.

Anak made his way to the front of the palace, where the teleportation array was laid. He arrived to see it unoccupied, an attendant boredly staring into space at the side. This array wasn't used very often, given the price. Most Tabselemers didn't care to go to Ischuros anyways, as it was a place filled with heathens and slave masters, in their eyes at least.

Anak approached the bored attendant, and waved his hand to grab his attention. Seeing the heavy bag in Anak's hand, the attendant smiled wryly, prepared to be berated once more by a disgruntled bounty hunter. Instead, Anak silently passed the bag over to the attendant and waited for him to count out the three hundred silver.

The attendant sighed in relief and began the work of counting. As the tedious wait began, Anak aimlessly searched the surroundings. His eyes suddenly froze upon a figure standing on the palace's upper balcony. After a second of hesitation, he cried out with all the passion in his soul.
