With a night raid being out of the question, Reaper's guild master decides to rent a penthouse from one of Raspy Village's best apartments. Much like in Topsy Town, the owner offers him VIP treatment after receiving a month's worth of rent for the room.
Following the apartment owner's advice, he turns the square-shaped knob beside the door which activates a white-colored light at the center of the room. With stored light magic, it is indeed possible to mimic the fluorescent and LED lights of the real world there in Esprit.
"The owner even said this light can last for almost a day of continuous use. Talk about efficient use of magic," he muses.
He verifies the presence of two similar knobs on the wall beside either bed connected to table lamps.
After seeing that the room has two beds in it, Vi heads back out to Aki who is waiting outside the room. They have decided earlier to explore the town and see more food.