The Mansion of the White Rose

(Author- Hello, I hope you all enjoy my story!)

The soft crackling of wood in a fireplace can be heard in the dimly lit room as the fire casts a soft light. The boy groans as he rolls over, a faint smile on his face. The warmth of the fire. The softness of the blanket. The heavenly feel of a mattress.

How can he not smile? He has never experienced one of these in his entire life. His body is now fully healed from its formerly shattered state almost seeming to melt into the bed.

As the boy sleeps, two shadowy figures in the corner of the room speak, just quiet enough to avoid waking him.

"You were correct malady. possession of an abnormal amount of mana, lack of any magical pathways, he truly is a warlock. He will make a valuable asset."

"Indeed Sebastian. I was surprised when I injected my mana into him. I never expected a lowly street rat to possess such potential. I was merely planning to alleviate his pain a bit before his death."

"Did he sign the contract?"

"He did. It took little convincing. Much unlike yourself."

"Hmph. Do you compare me to the likes of this lowly street rat on death's door? How could he refuse his 'lovely' savior."

"Your sarcasm is appreciated as always."

"Of course malady."

The two fall silent as they stare at the boy who rolls over onto his side, groaning in comfort. His freshly trimmed blond hair rested softly on his pillow.

"To think that a street rat can rest so comfortably and unguarded in the home of a stranger."

"When I found him he was as good as dead. He lost any reason to remain vigilant. Sebastian, I want you to allow him to rest to his heart's desire tonight."

"That's... unusually kind of you malady."

"Hmph as if. Soon as he awakens you will not take it easy on him. We don't have time for that anymore."

"Hm yes. Two years left no? Time is truly running short."

"Indeed. I leave him to you Sebastion. Do not fail me."

"Of course malady."

With that, the young woman turns and heads out the door. Her elegant white dress flowing behind her with only her long silky white hair exposed by the orange light of the fireplace, her facial features remaining hidden.

The tall elderly butler can't help but smirk at the young boy on the bed as the young lady leaves. 'This will be fun!'

The boy groans as he rolls over in the bed feeling his eyes slowly open, drowsiness swiftly leaving his clouded mind as he bolts up and looks around the room memories of the night before rushing into his mind.

"Where?" He mutters as he glances around the room. The room itself is relatively simple, but to the boy, it is the height of luxury. The room's walls are made of dark oak wood. The room is furnished with basic wooden furniture and has a fireplace in the corner.

While glancing throughout the room, his eyes fall on a tall elderly man dressed in a fine-looking suit, with a long well kept white beard, and on his neck, is what seems to be a tattoo of a white rose. Despite the man's age, he is very well built.

"You are in the Mansion of the White Rose. The lady brought you here last night street rat."

"I see. So it really was real. Does that include even?"

"Yes, even your oath." The butler states calmly.

"I see. And you are?" He mutters reaching up to his face and gently tracing some strange pattern on his face.

"It's rude to ask someone's name without introducing yourself street rat."

"My name is Cassian." The boy replies wth a soft smile gracing his face without his noticing.

"Oh? So you do have a name. That's unusual for a street rat." The butler

"White Rose gave me the name when I made my oath."

"I see. The lady granted you a name. Cherish it. It's too good for you." The butler declares with an arrogant smirk.

"Where is the lady? White Rose Mansion? Where is this? Why did she save me?" Cassian asks as he stands up before glancing at himself in a nearby mirror.

Cassian was almost shocked at what he sees. The previously shriveled, dirty, and unkept street rat that he was is gone. Now, in his place is a tall blond well kept man. His tanned pale skin is clean and unblemished, and his formerly waist-dirty blond hair is now well cut and looks quite decent.

"So many questions. How... Irritating."


Suddenly Cassian feels his ribs creak inwards as the butler's leg slams into him sending him crashing to the floor as his body screams out in pain.

"Gah! What the fuck?" Cassian groans as he looks up at the butler. The moment he does so another kick hammers his stomach sending him crashing across the room and into the wall.

The butler stares down at Cassian with contempt. "You believe you have any rights here? Do you believe that just because the Lady saved you, you have any power here to ask questions?"

"No." Cassian groans as a thousand questions run through his mind. However, amongst them, one, in particular, pushes to the forefront of his mind. "Why did she save me? What use does she have for me? Why am I alive!"

The smirks. "Hmph. Finally some actually useful questions."

The old man slowly walks over to the boy as he pulls himself back to his feet and looks up into the old man's eyes.

"You are alive... Because you are special. Because you are a magician. And finally, because the Lady needs powerful servants for what is to come."

"What?" Cassian asks shocked. A magician? Him? How is that possible?

"Are you deaf?"

"No sir."

"Then accept what you hear. The Lady has left me in charge of you. I have been tasked with your training and I don't have time to deal with every little question you have. Rather, I must in two years, turn you into a true magician."

Cassian is about to ask what's in two years. However, he bites his tongue as he feels the aching in his ribs. 'A useless question.' That's what that was.

He grits his teeth in frustration. Thousands of questions are rushing through his mind. His frustration at being so in the dark. He conflicting about being treated like trash just like before.

However, despite all this. A single thing allows him to grit his teeth and bear it. He may still be treated like trash. He may be kept in the dark. He may be used and thrown away.

However, no matter her purpose in doing so, Lady Rose saved his life. Now he has a second chance! Now he has a purpose! Now his life has direction. And he will not waste it!

"I see. What should I call you sir?"

"My name is Sebastion, First Butler of the White Rose. You may call me Master Sebastion."

"Master Sebastion. Yes sir. When do we begin?"

Sebastion smirks sinisterly looking down at the steely look in the boy's eyes. "Now."