
*Crash* The boy's eyes opened wide when the lights came crashing in, then came black. Every instance of the 12 years he has been alive came flooding into his mind, from the first time he saw a bird to the last time he spoke to his grandfather, every forgotten memory. it kept replaying until it left one moment, a word repeating, hope.

Seven voices came drowning his ears, each sounding both divine yet demonic. First came words that sounded like moans of pure bliss yet screams of agony. "oh child, how do you end here yet you still breathe, how is it that your heart stopped yet your blood pumps, that your body has gone cold yet your veins run warm, how?" "I-I don't understand." "Oh poor child, let me relieve you of this pain. I will grant you relief, but I need your eyes. If you do then you will see your salvation. will you take my gift." Her words slithered into his mind, tempting him, it withered his will. the offer was too tantalizing. "Y-yes, please save me." he pleaded. "Oh child, I will grant your relief" then the darkness vanished.

Next came a voice full of rage, fueled by pain and faith. "Child, I will grant you life but you must give me your heart, You will be free from suffering and resentment. But you will be burdened with the weight of the tainted. will you take my offer, child?" The man asked. "Yes, give me life" answered the eyeless boy. "then come hither" the man commanded.

The third voice, a voice that seemed to want everything but to give it all also. "Boy, I will grant you the knowledge to survive anything, But I will take your mind. You will have everything you ever desired, it will all be yours. Just give me your sanity." The voice said. "Take my mind" demanded the boy, "then I will" it snickered

A fourth came, one full of pride. "Small one, I will help you seek what you want but you must give me your mortality, your age, and your desire to die. Give me your death and I will grant you a body that never scars, that never brakes. Give up the eternal slumber for eternal adventure!" Exclaimed the behemoth. "yes, take my death" yelled the boy "Oh I will" replied the beast.

then came the fifth, A voice that seemed to be just waking yet to be falling into a slumber. "Give me your dreams and I will take your nightmares, your mind will never be haunted by the night, just give me your relief of sleep. To never stir in slumber, to wake in a cold sweat. No need to endure the terrors of the mind or see the broken smiles of the forgotten." "what do you mean?" the boy asked "The visions of the dark, the one that gives your sleep life and then the fall of the ones that bring fear, that's what I desire." It hissed. "T-then take them." The boy said in fear.

The sixth voice came whispering into his ear, one that seemed to want something that was a part of him. "I wish for your voice," It said "Give me your vocals, and I will grant you the power of truth and deceit, all will be inspired by the way you talk and the way you listen, just give me your voice" it whispered "w-what will you do with my voice" he cried "I will make it my own, of course." It chided quietly "t-then take it" he whispered, the voice not coming from his own lips.

The seventh and final voice came one that seemed to be hungry. One that could devour him whole. "Hohoho, you come to me finally, I would grant you your relief from life, but that would be boring, I will give you the hunger of a thousand wolfs, just give me your fear, your desire to flee. Each one to fall from your hand will feed me, and I will feed you, my boy." Growled the monster 'H-how will that help me?' Asked the child. "You will not fear, not the need to run. It's only positives I give you, just take it." 'O-ok' said the boy. then it all disappeared.


"Sir, he is waking." said a nurse to the doctor "who?" question the doctor. "the newest patient, Kazuki Zankoku." replied the nurse."OH! the 12-year old I worked on, how is his condition." "It's perfect, he seems to not have any problems." She replied

"Hello, Kazuki" "Y-yes" he answered "How are you?" asked the doctor "I-I'm fine but where am I and who are you?" Said Kazuki "Well that's good, you are in New York Hospital and I'm Dr. Stephen Strange. Nice to meet you." "N-nice to meet you too." softly replied Kazuki.