Chapter 2: A Twisted Fairytale

[Present Events]

Morning greeted all of them, Princess Peachy and the Crowned Prince Calcifer looked like they haven't slept for 2 weeks straight, they look so haggard.

"Princess and Prince...are you both alright?"

"Why do you ask?"

"It looks like you have trouble sleeping"


"Oh, let me correct what I've guys look horrible"

"Thank you for that input, Yella"

"I feel a little sick"

When Princess Peachy said that a look of concern immediately passed their faces, they stared at her, it actually looks like she was about to pass out at any moment.

"I think you should go back and rest"

"No, I'm-...I can still handle it, are we going to travel again?"

"No, you need to rest first!"

"Let's rest, you and the Prince both, if you can't sleep Yella and Maise are there to knock you out"

"You should eat first though"

Their breakfast arrived, the two didn't have any appetite as expected, they barely finished their food, they were then escorted to their rooms and to their beds.

Yella and Maise put them under hypnosis, but before Maise could put Peachy to sleep, she stopped her.

"I can't sleep, even if you put me under hypnosis the same result will happen I will become restless"

"Then...what do you want to do?"

"I want to go outside, maybe catching a bit of fresh air would clear my mind"

"As you wish, let's go"

Maise puts a robe on the Princess, she makes sure her face is covered before she could go outside.

Yella joined them momentarily when she finished putting Prince Calcifer to sleep. As for the other two men, they were looking around town gathering information on what was happening right now.

"Look a coffee shop"


"That's inconsiderate Yella!"

"S-Sorry Princes"

"Let's go inside"

"I think this is a bad idea"

"This is your fault"

The two silently bicker behind Peachy while she sits down on one of the tables, one of the waitress gives her a menu.

"I'll...have Amaryllis tea"

"Sorry, but we don't have that, Amaryllis Tea is exclusively from the Veritus Kingdom, but because of what happened..."

"Plain tea then..."

"Anything else?"

"Cold water"


The waitress thought 'why would she want two beverages?' she shrugs and takes the menu away, the two siblings finally sat down with her.

"Ah, I forgot, I should have ordered for you too, sorry"

"No, it's fine, we know you have a lot on your mind Princess"

"Maise, don't call her Princess so casually!"


Not a moment soon, Peachy's drinks arrived, the two siblings casually chatted while they waited for her to finish the drinks, but she stops enjoying her drinks when her ears caught something.

"Isn't that Fairy tale out dated?"

"I think this is the true story of Queen Maculata, hear me out."

'Once Upon A Time. There was a Kingdom named Veritus, this Kingdom has been blessed with beautiful scenery. But the object of interest that always stands out is the Amaryllis Flowers'

'The Amaryllis flowers, no matter what the season is, it is always in full bloom, the Amaryllis colors changes depending on the season'

'Tourist all over the world, visits the Veritus Kingdom to see the beautiful scenic places and the flowers'

'Before Queen Maculata ascended to the throne, Veritus Kingdom was very lively, it was like a festival every single day.'

'But when Queen Flora and King Silvril passed away, the liveliness of the Kingdom slowly died down, when the new Queen ascended the throne, the Kingdom went entirely silent, Festivities were still held on occasion, but after that, complete silence'

'It was believed that Queen Maculata put a curse on the Kingdom'

When Peachy heard those words, her brows furrowed, she cannot believe what she is hearing right now.

'A curse to restrict the liveliness of the Kingdom, but that wasn't the only curse she laid upon the Kingdom, it is also rumoured that someone, another witch an enemy of Queen Maculata cursed her, the moment she has had a husband that is when she will fall and so is the Kingdom'

The two patrons that was also enjoying their breakfast bellow in laughter.

"Serves her right"

"It's not the end of the story yet"

"Apparently, the curse has been activated already when she had those suitors"

"Maybe she did it on purpose?"

"That, I do not know, but everyone is shocked on the events that happened before the Veritus Kingdom burned to the ground"

"Okay, continue"

'Queen Maculata is always seen wearing a cold mask on her face, the mask isn't the only thing that made people scared of her, so is her personality, apparently everyone that meets her and talk to her freezes in fright, some that Queen Maculata has spoken too for a long time, actually disappeared'

"What a scary Queen"

'She is also known as a cruel and merciless Queen, behind the Palace doors she tortures the nobles that wronged her, the tortures ranges to being boiled alive, lacerations dying from bleeding, whipping or gutting the organs out'

"People are lucky that she isn't around any more, huh?"

"You got that right!"

Peachy was seething in anger on what she is hearing from the two patrons, she wanted to say something but she held back, she just balled her fist in anger.

'It is also known, that Queen Maculata ruled with an iron first, she is also the high corrupting royal of all the Polygon Empire, her people suffered so much under her rule, but they cannot do anything about it since she controls the military of the Veritus Kingdom'

'The Duke is also her dog, that always do as she says, apparently the Duke is also afflicted by the curse of Queen Maculata, he will also fall along with the Queen'

"Wait...everyone did die in the Veritus Kingdom right?"

"That's correct, we heard news that there are no survivors"

"Well, I never really liked Queen Maculata anyway and the Veritus Kingdom has nothing to do with me"

"I do hope that the fighting does not reach this place"

"Everyone does not like war"

'This is how the Veritus Kingdom fell, because of the tyrannical, ferocious, and expressionless Queen'

Peachy has had enough, Yella and Maise were also listening to the story with furrowed brows, Peachy slammed her hands on the table holding back tears and stormed out of the coffee shop.

Maise paid for the beverages, and hurriedly followed Peachy, Yella casually put a spell on the two.

They made a commotion inside the coffee shop, their clothes were suddenly burning.

"How dare they..."


"My sister is not a tyrant, she is not ferocious, they made her become a monster, that story has been banned from the Veritus Kingdom, and shadow already took care of those stories, how did they still know?!"

"It looks like that person really did such lengths to destroy your sisters reputation, Princess Peachy"

"The one that betrayed the Kingdom and that women"

Princess Peachy looked as if her mind was made up, Yella and Maise looked at her with worry, they tried calling out to her.

"Princess Peachy...?"

"Let's go back, I think sleep visited me already, I am tired"

They went back but this time, Peachy quietly returned to the room and slept.

"Did you feel the change in Peachy's aura?"

"I did..."

Yella and Maise quietly went down to the first floor of the Inn after they made sure Peachy was all right, they sat by the open window.

"I'm surprised that you did not act on impulse, when you heard that Yella"

"I was about too, but when I saw her highness expression, I had second thoughts, she was furious, I know she is very gentle and kind but when someone as kind as her becomes angry, I know I shouldn't add fuel to the fire"

"Are you my sister?"

"I'm logical sometimes too"


"You don't need to put emphasis on it"


The two casually chat, but their chat got interrupted when their two companions that were out gathering information found out what was going on around them, returned.

"What's the news?"

"We need to get out of here before sunset"

"Damn, Princess Peachy just went to bed"

"We don't have any choice but to wake her up, Prince Calcifer should also be woken up"

"Let's just let them rest for now"

"By the way"


"Did you hear about a Fairy Tale going around the town?"

"Unfortunately Princess Peachy heard it, she was relaxing at a coffee shop when two patrons were talking about it, she was seething in anger when she overheard the story"

"Whoever spread that had a lot of time in their hands"

"No doubt it was that woman"

"Maculata is a beautiful person, she may be like that on the outside but when you know her you can easily overlook her outer exterior"

He said it so confidently, the other one blushed, Yella snickered.

"You also say that because you guys-" Yella was about to point something out, but she got interrupted

"THAT'S ENOUGH YELLA" Maise hurriedly said, she was furiously blushing.

"Not to mention-"

Maise covered her mouth, and made a shushing noise.

"Everyone should rest before we move later"

"I love to go outside and wander around but not like this" Yella took her sister's hand away from her mouth and said that.

"It is tiring..."

"We shouldn't complain though, our Master told and instructed us to be with Princess Peachy anywhere and anytime"

"It was the good old days, huh?"

"I wish we could fight the enemies"

"We will have the opportunity to fight, but right now we need to prioritise our survival"