Chapter 1

Istanbul in 1990

Students of the College of Architecture used to celebrate their graduation traditionally, except for one person who celebrated his wedding and graduation at the same time.

At the end of the ceremony, the invitees congratulated the groom.

One of the guests approached the groom and shook his hand, then smiled at him and said: Congratulations on your wedding and your success Aakash, I know that it is not the right time to talk about this matter, but I have to remind you, the offer is of limited duration. I cannot wait for your response for a long time so please do not delay to respond to me.

Smiling Akash evidenced him and said to him: I am undoubtedly with you, but as you can see, I need time to arrange my affairs for that.

After 7 months

Akash and his pregnant wife moved to Tokyo to set up his career with a Japanese architectural firm.

In 10 years, Akash managed to achieve great success on the professional and family levels.

He became one of the most famous engineers in Asia.

He was a discreet person about his private life and family.

As for the family level, he has four beautiful girls.But this stability and comfort did not last long.

Akash had an accident while at work,

This accident caused his paralysis, but the doctors told his family that there is a possibility to cure him, but if it starts quickly and the cost of treatment is very high.

Despite all his success, he did not make a fortune; It was extravagant and was supporting charities.

Newspapers and channels flocked to the hospital to cover the news, and so the Aakash family appeared for the first time in the media.

mai , 8 years old, was noticed by a photojournalist. He took some pictures of her without anyone noticing.

The next day, her pictures were in the top of the most famous magazine in Tokyo, and her picture was put on the cover with the title An icon of natural and innocent childish beauty.

So that the photos taken within hours are spread over several sites.

Let the performances heap on her family (Acting / Fashion Shows / Miss Babies Contest)

Despite Aakash's health condition he refused, but the insistence of one of the people who presented the shows managed to convince him to find a compromise, which is that the child entered the world of audio and kept her away from the camera lights, so before Aakash signed a contract with the producer for his daughter to perform the voice of an anime character, it was supposed to be Short, but the success of the anime lasted 18 years, and this is not strange for the Japanese anime, and during those years she performed several anime characters who had gained fame and popularity among the followers of the Japanese anime translated around the world, singing the badges of anime, series and movies, as well as dubbing foreign series and films, including Turkish works .

Tokyo 2018

One of the restaurants in Tokyo

On Saturday evening at 7:50 minutes

Mai entered the usual restaurant that she comes to every day to sit quietly to draw anime characters of her own design to sell to manga authors or anime makers directly (the Turkish restaurant in Tokyo), she was drawing on her digital tablet (iPad) and three minutes later someone stood above her head, She raised her head to see him as she was wearing a hat and sunglasses ,she looked at him and said in annoyance: What do you want ?!

He answered her with annoyed tune, and bowed to her a little: This table is reserved for me miss, so I ask you to find another place to sit, and quickly if you will, because I have an appointment after 5 minutes.

She looked at him with amazement and said: Either you are kidding or you are wrong, this table has been reserved for me for ten years at this time on a daily basis, and it cannot be booked by another person even if I did not come.

Immediately, Mai called the waiter, while the young man called the manager, and then they exchanged angry looks.

When the waiter came, he told them that he knew nothing but that the table was already permanently reserved for Miss Mai, but when the manager came to see the problem, Mai stood looking at him with blazing eyes and disapprovingly, and he also received the same looks from Matthew, the director felt very embarrassed because he caused this mistake, he looked at the floor Then spoke, saying: I apologize for what happened.

Then he looked at Mai and continued: I thought you were traveling to attend the party that you told us, miss, so I agreed to reserve the table for Mister Matthew.

Mai looked angrily at the manager and said to him: you thought and did this mistake depending on your thought !! right? I will not accept an excuse from you now and I will not leave my place, find a solution to your problem with him now and then think of a solution to your problem with me tomorrow.

She finished her sentence while she was actually sitting down, Matthew's eyes widened from her actions and words, he stuck his fingers into his hair in dismay , sighe in rage, and began to turn left and right, perhaps he could see a vacant table, but there was no one, and the worst is that there was no longer time to cancel the press interview because he saw the journalists rolling into the restaurant.

He leaned against Mai and whispered to her ear: Listen, the two journalists have come, I don't want to embarrass them.

Mai felt embarrassed and ashamed when he approached her that way, his whisper her ear and and his breath that touched her let her confused for a second, but she managed to hide it and looked cold and bored and told him: Listen, you and your guests can sit here, but I cannot leave, there is no place to go now and there are people in my house that I do not want to see. Try to act with them as if I were not there, or find another solution for yourself.

Matthew resented when Mai finished speaking and agreed to her suggestion because there was no other solution.

Matthew welcomed the journalists and sat down to begin the interview. A journalist asked Matthew about the girl next to them, and he explained what went wrong.

Matthew's interview began and went well, while Mai was hiding her face so that a journalist would not recognize her and she became preoccupied with her drawings, so she began drawing lines and circles as scribbling on her digital board, Matthew was peeking out from time to time and answering questions posed by the journalist, the photographer noted. Matthew's perverted gazes at Mai, so he took several pictures of him without noticing.

Matthew's gazes were visiting Mai's hand and what she was doing and not at Mai herself. He did not understand and perceive from the beginning what she was doing except that when Mai finished drawing and clear the features of what she had drawn, it became apparent to him. She designed and drew a beautiful anime character, and with the last question , Mai finished drawing completely, then Matthew could not prevent himself from expressing his amazement and admiration for the design, Mai finally noticed that Matthew was peering into her work, turned her face with excitement and anger, and said with an outrage: How did you allow yourself to see what I'm doing ?!

Matthew looked at her with his eyes confused and asked in astonishment: Is this a job? why so much rage I didn't eat it , it was just an unwitting glance.

Mai stood up and placed her board on the table and bent a little towards Matthew and said to him: Obviously, you don't understand the meaning of digital art, and I also don't like anyone seeing my work before I advertise it myself.

At that moment, the journalist looked at the digital billboard to see what the two were arguing about, and the painter's signature caught his attention. The signature of Mai was one of the most famous digital painting artists recently spread on all social media sites. Mai is the most popular voice in Japan and has millions of anime followers. Dubbed works around the world.

And the journalist immediately nudged his other colleague and asked him to take pictures of Mai and Matthew together, and said to him in a low, enthusiastic voice: Oh man, it's Mai, nicknamed the Golden Throat, give charity, let's take pictures of them.

At that moment, both Mai and Matthew looked at the journalist and a picture was taken of them showing their faces, although the hat and glasses slightly concealed Mai's features, but if someone looked closely at the photo that was taken, he would be able to have a correct idea of ​​her features in general.

Immediately, Mai grabbed her tablet and bag and left before the journalist or photographer realized her with more pictures or questions.

Matthew did not realize what was happening in front of him, but he understood that the girl was known so that the journalist knew her so easily.

The next morning

Mai woke up early like her habit

She went to the garden of her home to do her morning exercises, then went to the shower, and when she finished her exercises, her mother had finished preparing breakfast, Mai went to eat it after Sally, her little sister, called her, and when she reached the dining room, She sat in her usual place, then Sam, my second sister, entered with the newspapers, and put them on the shelf of the cupboard near the dining table, then everyone started eating breakfast, and while everyone was busy with breakfast, Akash turned around and read the name of his daughter Mai, nicknamed the Golden Throat, in bold type in one of the newspapers that Sam put on the cupboard, When Akash read his daughter's name and before reading anything else because the newspaper was far from him, he felt nervous, then looked at Mai, who was eating her food.

Akash tried to control himself and not show his nervousness, but it was only a minute until Mai took the initiative while holding the teacup in his left hand, and he was left-handed: How is your job these days, Mai ?!

Continued ...