Chapter 5

Mai read the article calmly, and after she finished reading it, she started moving her hand and ventilating herself with the pages of the magazine, as if she began to feel hot, after she understood what Asia meant by warning her yesterday ..... The media war began on her, but who is doing that and why? ... this is what Mai did not understand; So Mai reopened the magazine to read the author's name, to find it was Rita Toral.

Mai grabbed her phone and opened the Google search engine to see who this annoying journalist is, to find that she is one of the most important journalists in Turkey and Matthew's Hatory ex girlfriend, who helped him to gain his huge fame in less than three years..( she brought him numerous advertising offers for international and local brands).

"Well," this is what Mai

'ssaid to herself as she turned off the phone, only that she knew the reason for this article. Mai held her phone with two fingers and with the finger of her other hand, she began to rotate it by touching it from the corner while thinking of an appropriate response that would prevent her from getting involved more about the rumors that had been haunting her for a while.

After some reflection, she decided to re-publish her eight-year-old photos, with which she entered this filed when the pictures were published and won the admiration of many eighteen years ago ....

Mai wrote below the pictures:

This is me eighteen years ago, an eight-year-old girl, and here you know what I am .... Now, in your opinion, is there anything different but the factor of time? Or do you think that I started plastic surgery and filters since that time? .... I am not obliged to lie, if I had undergone cosmetic surgery I would have said that without hesitation, this is not a shame .... My name is Mai Yuki and I am the daughter of the well-known engineer Akash Yuki and there are many who know me personally and since childhood... if I had lied, one of them would have said Exposing my lie to the public ...

I do not like being attacked for a personal reason, it is shameful to fabricate lies to discredit me only because your lover abandoned you, Miss Rita.

Mai published the post, and in less than an hour, it caused an uproar, as she signaled the journalist on the post and not only mentioned her name, and here was the misfortune for Rita, as she was reading every new comment placed on the post because the notifications received because of the signal, it was a real scandal for Rita indeed ....

Mai's father was also reading and laughing, not at the comments, but at the annoyed face of his wife, as her nephew expressed a negative opinion about what is happening with her daughter, who is supposed to be engaged soon with Mai .., but Mai travel to evade the matter.

Sanju decided to travel to Turkey to see her sister who had been refusing to answer her calls for a long time, and she did so in the company of her husband, Adrian and their young son, William.

And as soon as she reached the hotel, she sent her sister a letter telling her that she was in Istanbul and wanted to see her, and there was no room for Mai to evade ...

When Mai read the message, she called her sister immediately to find out which hotel she was to her come to her home instead of staying in the hotel.

Sanjo tells her the name of the hotel. Mai rushed to her sister and those with her, and within two hours everyone was at Mai's apartment.

Mai asked her sister to rest first and then talk what she wanted next.

Since the day was tired, it passed without any conversation leading to an argument, and the next day, after eating breakfast, Sanju started talking with her sister about the topic that had become the conversation of many people for a while: "Let's tell me what is happening?"

Mai looked at her, left what was in her hand and said, "Did they not tell you the story?

I am in a relationship with the young man, but I wanted to file a lawsuit to lose it, and woo .. "

Sanju sighed in resentment and said to her sister as she approached her, "I don't care what they said, I want to hear what you only say, Mai ."

Mai looked at her sister seriously and said to her only one word: "coincidence."

Sanju raised her eyebrows and lowered them, then looked at her side, keeping her eyes away from her sister, and then said: "A coincidence ... a word that has nothing to do with reality.

If your meeting was not planned by one of you, then it is a destiny that wanted to bring you together, so where are you from this ?! "

Mai smiled and answered, "Here I am by an act of destiny then! Where do you think I am ?!

I am in a place where everyone judge me by what I should say and what I should do, did you know? "

Sanju looked back at her sister and said, "Were your recent reactions to be the wish of one of the people you talked about ?!"

mai felt anger and resentment and said in a sharp tone: I am tired of commands, tired of listening, and tired of obeying, I am tired of everyone, even of myself I am bored, why do they not want to understand that I am no longer a child ?? When will they understand that I have my own entity, everyone is planning my actions, my life, my words, and my privacy, which are not all of my property, your father and the privacy of the family, your mother who chose my studies, my specialist, and my future that she plan to bury with her nephew,.... your sisters, their interests, their gains, and their love to bully me thanks to your parents, And what do you want to go all the way to tell me ?? Come on, listen .... Even in running away I will not succeed because you will follow me until the end of the world just in order to take control of my life.

Silence fell for a moment, then Sanju said firmly: "Yes, I came to speak and to hear, Mai You are no longer a child. You have to be your own lady, but rationally. Do not behave in a stupid way just to contradict the advice given to you, because you want to go against everything." You are told because of the past, .... to succeed in your future, you must forget that past, then let go of all this and tell me honestly, after all this commotion, didn't that handsome leave any trace in your heart?

Mat looked at her sister and said with a laugh: "Well, let go of the handsome trail now because as it seems to me that someone will leave a mark on your ear, I think I have to go now, bye."

to be continued,,,