Chapter 7

Mai returned home and her sister was excitedly waiting for her to talk to her about the events that took place today ...

Mai laughed and said, "I don't know what to say, but I think that this annoying thing is over. If I were in her place, I would have buried myself out of shame after this situation happened. That rude accuses me of what she is doing."

Sanju smiled and said what she was thinking at that moment: "Well actually the journalist's response was not expected, I didn't think he even remembered that article ...

What matters to us now is that that snake will not be able to open its mouth again, and also although you retired regarding your work, your popularity has become greater than it was, and finally that wonderful comment ...

Mai interrupted her sister's words with her rise and signs of tension and confusion were evident, she took two steps and said: "I apologize, but I am tired. I will take a shower and sleep. Good night for you."

Mai said her sentence and ran away from her sister, Sanju laughing cunningly, realizing that the day bore its folds with many events that began to change the course of things.

Meanwhile, Matthew was sitting on the sofa, watching TV, with his feet extended to the edge of the table opposite him.

Suddenly the door was knocked, and the maid opened it to receive Asia, who entered, angry, screaming: "What did you do, Hattori Maaaaattew, or should I call you by your real name, Polat Gulenes?"

He answered her sarcastically without paying attention to her to provoke her further anger: "There is no difference between the two names because both of them are mine, then calm down a little so that you do not have a stroke. I do not want to lose you now.  To organize these days "

Asia stood before him and said to him in a funny way, expressing her displeasure: "I hate you, this one."

Matthew changed his sitting position and said to her, calmly, sarcastically, "Do you believe that I return the same feeling to you, this one, let's get away from the TV because the last episode of my favorite series will be shown now, although I have watched it seven times so far, but it is better than seeing your face and hearing your voice,  Come on, get off. "

Asia pulled out the TV's power plug and said to him angrily: "This is not the time for a joke, tell me why you put that silly comment?? ...

Do you want to anger Rita towards you, or attract Mai's attention to you, do not tell me that there is no reason that I will not believe you, I am tired of your irresponsible behavior.

Matthew stood directly in front of Asia and seriously said to her: "First, I am not obliged to justify my actions. Second, I am not an employee for you to scream in my face as you wish. Third, to provoke the anger of this person and draw the attention of this matter to me, meaning that it does not mean anyone, not you. ...  Neither the press, not even my family, nor anyone else, either work silently or finish our work together in silence."

Assia shook her head and said with annoyance, mixed with sadness: "Yes, I understood, how lost everything I did until today, until I brought you here !!  ? ... You were not satisfied with getting rid of Rita within the framework of your life after all that she gave you. You want to join me now .. right ??  "

Matthew raised his head with annoyance and annoyance, sighed, then lowered his head to look at her again, then said to her: "When I started my first steps in this middle, it was neither you, nor thanks to Rita, that I got to know you both later Asia, I started my career three years ago and a little more with an announcement I got upon showing it by being in the place where it was filmed by chance, I was going to see a friend of mine who works near the filming site and because the one who signed the advertisement contract did not come they asked me to do so, and that advertisement achieved success for the product as I received another advertisement offer, through which I was offered an offer to participate in a role in Japanese short series and the director of the work gave me this artistic name, Matthew, which symbolizes the name of a legendary character who is loved by them. Where were you and Rita at that time ?? .....

I got to know you after that job and I was the one who gave you the opportunity to shine your name among business managers with my continuous success and my varied relationships, I was walking my way well until you brought that calamity named Rita, I do not deny that she created a media background that contributed to my fame faster in two years, but Do you remember what was the price?  "

Asia tried to evade, but Matthew told her that even if she evaded, this would not change the reality of what happened, and he told her that she should do what she was asked to do only and move away from both Rita and Mai , warning her not to act without his knowledge and that he knew that she had met Mai and  went to her without his knowledge. Matthew ended his conversation by making Asia leave and not coming to his home again unless he was allowed to.

Several days passed quietly and peacefully,

That serenity helped Mai arrange her affairs. She did not find a house to buy it, but she managed to find an office with a wonderful view that relaxes the soul and nerves ...also, with the help of her friend and business manager, Beren was able to hire a team working with her.

Helped on her rapid launch, that she is a famous person and her art is well known, and the quarrels that occurred between her and Rita made her the focus of everyone's attention at this time, so for less than a week to open her office, an advertisement was presented to her and she and her team drew all the details of the advertisement, it is cartoon ... .

The advertisment was a good start for her and her team.

Mai had to go to the advertising company to sign the contract, she was asked to come to meet the owner of the product who requested the advertisement, and upon arriving at the company building she encountered Matthew at the door as he was also there to shoot another advertisement.

When Matthew saw her, he smiled without realizing it, but she felt confused and tense ...

She stood in her place and waited for him to enter first, as she tries to avoid him so that he does not notice her confusion, but Matthew walked towards her instead of walking towards the door, and upon reaching her she turned around not to see her face. She said, "Please don't come close, I'm sick."

Matthew felt that there was something about her behavior, but she was definitely not sick. Otherwise, why is she here now?

he stepped back a little annoyed and said to her, " if you are, why are you here now?"

Mai took her hand away from her face and looked at him, responding: "Because I have a job, and now with permission I have to enter so as not to be late."

Matthew's vision of her face gave his heart a strange but beautiful feeling. He smiled and jokingly told her: "You look really sick, your face is red, as if your temperature is high."

Mai turned to him and quickly said to him: "It is not my hot temperature, but the weather's hot today."

She quickly said her words and went on, leaving Matthew to laugh in secret, as he understood what she was referring to, and a minute later he too entered to finish his work.

To be continued....