Chapter 9

Those looks lasted for a few moments because Mai's assistant interrupted them by her arrival due to an emergency phone call.

Mai took the phone from her assistant and asked her to return to her office, while she asked Matthew to go into her office to sit a little until she finished the call.

Matthew sat in the place Mai asked him to sit and he began to look at her at times and wander into his eyes at the details of the office at other times .....

She ended her call and turned to Matthew to welcome him, and then asked him the reason for his surprise visit.

He looked at her a little while looking at her features, which made her feel confused and embarrassed ...

Her features made him smile and say: "I came to find out why you refused to accept the offer that was made to you, even though it was very tempting for its material value, as you are the character's designer and the performer of her original voice?"

Mai adjusted her posture and looked at her side and then replied, "Well, although you have nothing to do with this, I will answer your question, as you already know, I am not an actress, I am only a former voices performer, and by a previous word I mean that I am no longer like that now, I am now designing characters and just sell it.

Mai ended her speech and then looked at him, while he smiled and looked at the ground and said to her, "Yes, I know that you have retired from this field, but think about it a little. This will be a good experience for you. If you like it, you can continue with it, and if you do not like it you can not repeat it, as well. The wage is very high and it will help you with this company, as it seems to me that you have spent a lot of money on it despite its smallness, and I do not think that everything you and your team worked on for months until now covered those costs that you have spent so far."

Mai sighed and said, "And why are you interested in all these things, these are my peculiarities of acceptance and rejection, profit and loss, even what I spent was of my own money. I am not in a hurry to do anything. I owe no one, not even a single penny.... Tell me why do you concern yourself with someone else's affairs that are not related to you ?"

He looked at her again and directly into her eyes: "I did not want the attention but i don't know why i had failed to do so, perhaps because you were suddenly and constantly in front of me."

the confusion came again to her then she said to him, "Well what does this mean now?"

Matthew kept looking at her eyes with looks that made Mai's face turn red, Matthew grabbed Mai's hand and said to her, still looking into her eyes as if he was lost in her green meadows: "May I don't know how this started but what I know is there is something inside of me and I have a desire to follow it to the end. Like it or not, I won't support the coincidence anymore."

Mai was very embarrassed and tried to withdraw her hand, but Matthew was holding her tight, her inability to withdraw her hand made her nervous, she tried to evade those looks that Matthew was looking at her but she could not, her heartbeat speeded up, Matthew smiled as he saw her actions He is pleased with her because he understood that her attempt to evade him now is not a rejection of him, because if that were the case, she would have dealt with him aggressively as she did the first time, rather it was because these moments affected her.

Mai's tension increases, and the more Matthew delights more, he sighs trying to hide his smile until he speaks again: "Be ready to see me every day from now on, your company liked me so much so I will come here constantly, and there is no way to escape from me, I am like destiny I do not leave until i finish ''

Suddenly a robot bird came from a small window above the door, Matthew heard his voice, so he turned towards him, looked at him with pleasure, left May's hand and said to her: " Your company is wonderful, but amazing. You have crazy and distinct ideas. I don't think it ever crossed anyone's mind, if only it weren't for making Cartoon. "

When Mai heard the word cartoon, she felt that a bucket of cold water had poured over her head, expelled the tension she was feeling, and restored to her the aggression that Matthew had talked about a short while ago. She said to him with a frowning face: "Anime ... Anime, you fool, not cartoon"

Matthew laughed and asked her, "What is the difference, is it not an animation ?! then it's cartoon. "

Mai continued her frowning and said to him, "There is a difference, but I will not tell you because you will know it when you grow up, baby, and now can you leave because I have a job that I must finish and you are wasting my time without benefit?"

Matthew laughed again and said, "Hahaha, baby, then, thank you for your respect for this, well now I will go, but think about everything that I talked with you. Regarding the subject that I will see you every day, this is something that will happen no matter what you refuse, and regarding the contract, think well, consider it an experience as I told you, see you "

Matthew turned around to leave but stood up when he heard Mai talk to him: "Okay I'll try to think about the offer, but about your coming here I apologize. You can't come here unless it's work."

Matthew turned to her again and said to her with a smile, "Well I see, so tomorrow I will come here to bring you several pictures of me so that you can draw them your way as you do with everyone, and we will not disagree about the required amount. Don't worry."

He finished his words and winked her with his eyes, then put on the sunglasses, and left, leaving behind May, looking at him in a strange way. When Matthew left her office, Mai sat on her chair smiling at times and hiding her smile at other times when she remembered his words from the cartoon.

In the evening, Mai returned to her home still thinking about what happened during that day, first in front of the company door, then the elevator, and then what happened in her office, today was really full of events that she will never forget.

Matthew was sitting in the kitchen of his house having dinner while he also remembers all the events of the day, smiles and laughs at other times, in addition to that Mai's company design hung inside his head while he was remembering its details he said to himself: "If her company is like this, how is her home? With the same madness, or the company, has a special situation because its work depends on imagination?"

Matthew kept thinking whether or not Mai would think of the offer, accepting her would make it easier for him, but he would in any case not hold back about getting to know Mai and getting closer to her.

Mai told what happened to her sister, Sanju did not hide her pleasure and enthusiasm, and certainly encouraged her to think about the offer seriously, but Mai told her that if she accepted that, her parents might be angry, especially this period, her relationship with her mother is bad because of Mai's refusal of her engagement to her cousin.

Sanju understood Mai's concerns and her anxiety as she was suffering from the same problem, as her mother was planning to marry her to the son of the owner of the hospital where she works, as the young man liked her, but more than that, but Sanju did not love him and married the young man she loved, which caused an interruption. Her relationship with her family, except for Mai, who supported her every step of the way due to her aversion to her mother's control over her constant planning of everything.

Sanju's relationship improved with them after she nearly passed out when she gave birth to her only child ...

However, despite the improvement in the relationship, the relationship of the mother and her son-in-law remained somewhat bad, which made Sanju's husband accept the offer that was made to him, which is to work in managing the new branch of their company, which was opened in Korea.

Sanju was certain that her mother would not hesitate to come immediately if the news of Mai and Matthew's relationship was confirmed, as Mai was aware of the matter as well, but Sanju told her something Mai had said to her when she encouraged her to make the decision to accept marriage to the one she loves no matter what happened: "every one of us will live only once, so there will be no other opportunity to make up for what we may miss now, just to please others."

Both sisters know that circumstances are different and that Mai's story is more complicated because the other side is from her mother's family

And her mother will not forgive her no matter what.

To be continued....