Chala's Surprise

Today was awesome. I mean, me making an educational books publisher want to release a non-educational book? I bet my friends wouldn't even believe me if I don't have the contracts lying peacefully in my briefcase. Not just one work, but two books! If this works out, even if my other clients fire me, I wouldn't care.

I got off the phone after talking with Tayaw about the good news of his books, a few minutes ago. After preparing all that I need for tonight, I made my way to ROH Factory where I'll meet Tayaw.

Tayaw must be the most matured teenager I have ever met. If I didn't know him personally but only talks to him over the phone and email correspondence, I would assume he's a regular John, not a young Johnny.

Anyway, I know that he's basically an adult all but his age, but what kind of a teenager would want to meet at a bar?

I got out of the car after parking in a vacant space in front of the bookstore beside the ROH Factory. Looking at the bar, Tayaw wasn't lying when he said it was easy to find. I've been here before; I just forgot its name.

From the outside, it would be mistaken for a diner if it wasn't for the huge sign on top of it with a picture of a beer beside the bar's name. I entered the bar through the entrance while sending a text to Tayaw informing him I've arrived.

Shortly after finding a table, Tayaw walked from behind the stage towards me. "Good to see you Mr. Rotala again. I hope nothing changed since I got off the phone?" Tayaw asked as he sat in front of me.

"Everything's ready. Here, sign these." I said while pulling up the papers from my briefcase. As Tayaw was reading and signing, I couldn't help but wonder why we were in a bar.

"Do you have a part-time job here?" I asked with the only assumption I can come up with. "Yes. It starts at 6:00 pm." He replied casually not even looking up.

"Until what time? I'm not sure about laws but I think minors aren't supposed to work in bars." I fished. "Oh. It's alright. I know the boss. And, I can make it back long before the curfew, so no worries." He replied.

"But why a bar, though? Don't you have plenty of places to work?" I asked further, not comfortable with my client's workplace.

"Over the past month, I worked as a temporary online tutor. My contract just ended in time for the start of school. I just wanted to find a place where I can work after school, and this place pays the best." That was news to me.

It means he already was done with his manuscripts for a while now. After all, he couldn't possible teach, have a part time job in a bar, and write his stories at the same time. Still, I can't let him work here. I have to look for another place for him to work.

After Tayaw was done with the papers, I put them away immediately and talk to him about his workplace. "Look, I can call some of my friends. Some of them owe me favors, so I'm sure they can offer you a job." I offered him.

"I appreciate your offer, Mr. Rotala but I'm actually quite happy working here." His answer confused me. I was about to ask him why so when he interrupted me.

"It's almost time. Look, Mr. Rotala. If it makes you feel better, you can wait for me. I'm sure you're not doing anything tonight anyway. Order some drinks. I'll tell the boss it's on the house."

This brat. I could only nod as he was already walking back to the back of the bar. Looking around the bar room, I noticed there are already around 20 people, some in groups, some alone, already having drinks on their tables.

With everyone having their own drinks, I also waved at a nearby server to order. After that, I could only pull out my phone to play with. Soon after though, I couldn't help but overhear some people's conversations.

"Hey. I couldn't see Amelie on stage. I thought she was opening tonight?" A young lady in the table next to his told someone beside her who seems to be her boyfriend. "Hey. She couldn't possibly be here every night, right?" Her boyfriend replied.

"Your drink, sir." The server said as she put down the bottle of beer and a glass on my table. "Thank you." I said, and looked up to see what the server looks like, and she's quite pretty.

My gaze followed the pretty server as she walked to the table of the young lady I overheard earlier.

"Is Amelie performing tonight? Why isn't she on stage yet?" I heard the young lady ask the pretty server. "She is. We have a new opener tonight, so Amelie was bumped up to perform second" The server replied.

I was distracted when I heard a "Mic test" from the speakers followed by a tug from the sound of something being plugged in. I looked towards the stage and surprised by what I saw. There he is, on the stage, sitting on a bar stool with a guitar rested on his lap, Tayaw.

He looked at me and nodded with a smile. I also nodded back. Now it makes sense. This, cheeky brat. He could have just told me earlier. I could only wait in anticipation as he finally leaned closer to the microphone.

"Good evening, our dear patrons. Welcome to the ROH Factory. To our regulars, my name is Tayaw. I'm trying out as an opener for the month of September as our usual opener; Miss Amelie has changed her schedule. If it goes well, you can see me here regularly as well, so I need all your support." Tayaw introduced himself lightheartedly and the customers responded with polite applause.

"The line-up tonight is me for your opening act, then Miss Amelie as the second act. After her would be Beyond Cape Town, then the Tub Arsenals. Tub Arsenals will be followed by the main act of tonight, The Eye of Rhythms, then our closing act, Mr. Misch. So settle down, with hands in your drinks as the ROH Factory will start producing music for all of you folks tonight to enjoy." Tayaw finished introducing the whole line-up followed by a supportive applause from the customers.

I'm impressed by Tayaw. It seems like he is very experienced in speaking on the stage as he looks very comfortable. This subverted my impression of him as a typical introverted writer.

"My first song for tonight will be my cover of 'You' by Carl Morgan." Tayaw said as he started playing his guitar. Tayaw plucked chords on his guitar for the intro. It sounded very slowly but has a nostalgic feeling. A few seconds later, he also started singing.

"When I remember the first time we met

and you spoke to me in your gentle voice

my heart beat hard when I look at you, Rose

That moment I knew

that I wanna be with you

forever and ever

Yes, I fell in love with you

don't want this to be over"

The song 'You' is a recent rock ballad song I heard occasionally over the radio. But this, with Tayaw's version, gave me a very different feeling. If the rock ballad song was something that the crowd can sing along to, Tayaw's version sounds like something that one can play and sing to someone inside a small room.

It sounds more personal, and more moving. I looked around the bar room and the customers are swaying along the hypnotic and nostalgic rhythm of Tayaw's sophisticated plucking of the guitar. After the second chorus, Tayaw played an instrumental intermission with more complicated plucking of his guitar.

This break also prompted the crowd, along with me, to cheer and clap for the nice performance.

After a few seconds of outro, Tayaw's song ended. While the song ended, I was still immersed in the feeling the song gave me. A second later, I felt nervous when I realized no one was clapping, and looked around.

The customers look like they're in a daze. "Thank you." Tayaw's voice pulled them out of their state, and they clapped in appreciation. I felt relieved.

I never expected Tayaw to be this good! Never once during the song was I distracted from a missed note in the guitar of an out of pitched note from Tayaw's singing.

I am not wrong with my impression of Tayaw. He's an artist!