Culinary Arts of Elevator Structure

October 31, 2011 Monday, 3 pm. 42 E 20th Street, New York City

Tayaw just finished his visit to the Pink Apron and Cognito headquarters. He could have just let the people in those companies be, but he has to show himself once in a while to show that he shares the passion of the companies' founders. He also hired two CEO's as his eyes for each of the two companies he majorly owns. That cost him another $400,000 as advance payment for the two CEOs.

Tayaw is currently dressed in his usual three piece suit under a trench coat and a boater's hat. He could not help but appreciate the orange leaves adorning the trees. The fog coming out from him whenever he breathes out fascinated him when he first saw it.

"Nice threads, brother!" A man called out to him as he was walked on the side walk. "Thank you." Tayaw smiled back as he tipped his hat towards the man and continued on his way. One thing he noticed about the people of New York aside from being hard working, they mind their own business too much that they don't care much about other people around them. People also rain curses around each other in the smallest of inconveniences.

It's not a bad thing necessarily, but it's a refreshing sight. These behaviors are borne out of the highly competitive spirit of the city and the people's aspirations to succeed. They would not be the richest city in the world if they were not that utilitarian.

He appreciates however, people like the man who just gave him a compliment. In such a fast moving society, it's very nice to see people like that man who spares their time to make other people feel better.

After a few minutes of stroll, he arrived in Gramm's Tavern, one of New York City's most beloved restaurants.

"Reservations, sir?" the restaurant's host asked as he saw Tayaw enter the main door. "Tayaw" Tayaw simply replied. He did not provide his complete name when he made a reservation; after all, Tayaw is a rare name even in Teungeb. The host checked his book for a moment before inviting Tayaw to a table.

After ordering a full 6-course meal available for an afternoon, he pulled out his phone to make a call. "Hello! If it isn't the mysterious Mr. Grimmauld! It's been a while!" Chala greeted from the opposite of the line. Tayaw chuckled at that. "It's been a while indeed. Are people still looking for me?" Tayaw asked.

"They stopped bothering me actually. Even Ophelia stopped bringing you up now." Chala replied. "Hm. By the way, I actually met Ophelia two times now." Tayaw said. "YOU GAVE AN INTERVIEW?! TWO TIMES?!" Chala asked in surprise. "No. No. I met her by chance when the band played at Monna Park." Tayaw explained.

"Was that the one in your Youtube? She was there?" Chala asked. Tayaw actually sent Chala a link to his Youtube, iTunes, and Stoppify channels to help spread the band's name around. "Yes. She was also there. No, I actually met her the first time when I scouted the place out and busked solo. She just happened to be researching for an article. It's a small world." Tayaw explained.

"So, she doesn't know you're Grimmauld?" Chala asked. "No. She just knows me by my stage name" Tayaw replied. "I see. Look at you. T.L.D Grimmauld the author, Yawat the musician." Chala chuckled at Tayaw's situation. "Anyways. I think these journalists will be bothering you again." Tayaw chuckled in reply. "What do you—OH! You're right. Still, I hope they got your message to not look for you." Chala understood Tayaw's purpose of his call.

"Yes. Your books will be on the shelves once the bookstores open today." Chala continued. "Alright. How about the international release?" Tayaw asked. "They will also release it by November 1st according to their timeline. That's only for the English language versions though. I think non-English language releases will come out on the 15th if I remember it right." Chala replied. Teungeb is 17 hours advance from New York so it's currently around 8 a.m. there.

"I see. I guess I won't be seeing it today then." Tayaw subconsciously said. "That's tru- wait, what do you mean? Haven't you seen the early copies I left in your basement last week? None of your members told you about it?" Chala asked in confusion. Hearing this, Tayaw was reminded about the chat message Hoon sent him about a box left by Chala in the basement.

"Ah. I see. I'm not in Teungeb right now so they must have not opened the thing yet. I'll text them later. Those are their copies after all." Tayaw replied. "So that's why you asked for 10 copies. Wait, You're not in Teungeb? Since last week, so.. How long have you been away?" Chala asked in curiosity.

"I'm in New York, baby! I've invested in two start-up companies and I'm just playing around right now." Tayaw explained. "AH! Why didn't you tell me? I could have accompanied you! I've spent a few years in the US in the past. I lived in Jersey so I often visited New York during my stay. I actually went to visit my friends in Jersey after I sold the movie rights of your book last September." Chala said.

It's Tayaw's turn to be surprised. "Okay. I did not know that. I could have asked you instead." Tayaw said, feeling it's a pity. "By the way. How did you easily enter USA last September by the way?" Tayaw asked. "The agency I worked at when I was a young man was actually multinational. I worked in America for fifteen years for an American author so becoming naturalized was a given." Chala explained.

"So a dual citizenship huh. Man. There are a lot of things I don't know about you. We should drink some time." Tayaw said becoming more curious about Chala's past. "Heheh. I'm 47 years old, 'young blood'." Chala smugly replied, saying 'young blood' in English with a New York ebonics accent.

"There are sh*t ton of things you don't know about me. By the way, how long are you planning on staying there? It's not too late to join you, is it?" Chala proposed. Tayaw considered for a moment. It will take a month or so before The Halfling will become popular so Chala will not be busy for a while. This gave him a sudden idea. "How about your other authors? Are you not busy?" Tayaw asked.

"Hahhh." Chala sighed. "Two of them are in a writer's block and the other one has not even started writing yet after he released his novel last June." Chala replied. "Okay. Join me then. Let's play for a while." Tayaw said, happy that Chala will join him. "Good. I'm hanging up then. I'll prepare my things then. What's the use of the millions I earned from you if I can't spend it?" Chala excitedly replied.

Before Chala dropped the call, he heard Tayaw said. "WAIT! WAIT!" "What's up?" Chala asked. "Can you do me a favor? Can you hire someone for me there to process tourist visas for my family?" Tayaw said.

"Okay. I'll do that right away." Chala said as he hung up.

A few moments later, his late lunch finally started as a waiter brought his appetizer. "Your appetizer sir; Ranch Deviled Eggs in the style of our tavern. The chef recommends…" the waiter blabbered on while Tayaw politely 'listened' and internally rolled his eyes. He's not an idiot and knows how to use his hands to eat.

Tayaw stepped out of the restaurant two hours later with a barely filled stomach, but a satisfied spirit. He can't blame the restaurant because his body requires a lot of food. The restaurant's food, on the other hand is also some of the best dishes he's ever eaten not only in his current but also in his past life. The service was also great as the waiters, aside from their condescending way of introducing the dishes, satisfied Tayaw as they would smoothly remove used utensils and serve food seamlessly without bothering him.

Tayaw decided to take a break from roaming around so he headed for the hotel. As he entered the elevator on his way to his room, Tayaw felt something strange. With him in the elevator are eight other people. What stood out however, are two well-built Caucasian men and behind them is an old East Asian man who looks to be in his sixties wearing what looks like a Tang suit, cream-colored. Tayaw found the East Asian man's outfit interesting. In a place like New York City that is dominated by *ssholes in suits, the man chose a traditional East Asian wear.

Tayaw chose to stay close to the elevator door and turned his back on the three fellows to avoid inciting alert. He peeked a few times at the elevator door to see the reflection of the three men behind him. He noticed the two Caucasian men were sizing him up while the East Asian man looks like he's lost in his own thoughts, indifferent from his surroundings.

Tayaw figured that the two Caucasian men were bodyguards as they don't have anything on their hands and that they are wearing that typical bodyguard earpiece. The East Asian man is definitely their client.

On the way up, the other people one by one alighted on their floors until only Tayaw, the Asian man and his two bodyguards remained. The two bodyguards still look like they're wary of him, to Tayaw's amusement. Tayaw actually felt proud that they are considering him a threat. In his previous life, he was not as tall and physically blessed so he had to learn Muay Thai for a year or two to have some form of self-defense. Thankfully, he never got to use it.

As the elevator climbed, Tayaw felt the tension rise not because he's thinking of doing something but because he's preparing himself in case something happens. He cursed his luck. His floor is going to be the one below the VIP floors so he will be in the elevator longer than usual, and it looks like the three men are also heading to the top floors.

His trench coat isn't helping either because it may have looked to the bodyguards that he's carrying a weapon under it.

*DING* the elevator's bell rang unusually loud and the bodyguard closest to Tayaw and jumped into action.