Introduction to Celebrity Management

April 16, 2012 – Monday 9 am – Minarrie St. East Ouigab

"Alright. That's our time. Keep doing this at home alright? I also want your pitch to me a little more accurate next week, Ike." The vocal coach said. "Thank you ma'am." I said and I left the sound proofed room. As I exited to the corridors, I saw Jenna already waiting, sitting on one of the benches outside the center's entrance. "Your turn." I told her. "Thanks. How did it go?" Jenna asked. "It's fine, she's satisfied with my progress." I replied.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I watched Jenna go in. The lesson today was about fixing the nasal sounds I make when I sing. 'It sounds whiny' were the exact words of the coach. She had me pinch my nose throughout the whole lesson and now it feels annoying. I get why she wants to fix my nasality when singing, but I'm still going to put some nasal sounds in my singing. I mean, Tayaw does it and it sounds awesome.