Musical Management of Finance

April 24, 2012 – Tuesday 11 am – Bank of Teungeb Main Branch, Kangpan Capital City

"Thank you." Tayaw said after confirming that the transaction was completed. "You're welcome sir. Please come again." The banker said. It was for a quick moment, but Tayaw saw the split second dirty look the banker gave him. 'Haha' Tayaw chuckled in his head when he saw it.

It's understandable though. After all, he just transferred a whole 200,000,000BGC from his Bank of Teungeb account to his recently made bank account. His new bank account however, is not just from any bank. It's the Zurich Cantonal Bank (ZKB) in Switzerland. After a week of application through a Swiss representative and another three weeks of waiting, Tayaw finally received his bank book and debit card two days ago.

He chose Zurich Cantonal Bank specifically because of its location. Switzerland is a neutral country and it is globally agreed upon that the country will not be seized by any parties during the time of war.