Basic Psychology in TV Broadcasting

June 10, 2012 – Sunday 7 pm – Clambu City

"Man. Wow. That's me right there." Uranto said when he saw the third billboard advertising 'September Ninth'. "So, I'm invisible?" Iliene rolled her eyes. The two are currently driving their way to Clambu Broadcasting System to tape an interview in a talk show. The car behind them has Jouny and Nielg. 

Tayaw, after his negotiation with Yarag, went to an advertising firm for the promotion of the movie. Unlike the promotion fee that Yarag asked, an advertising firm would not be getting a cut from ticket sales. The interview however, that Uranto, Iliene, Nielg, and Jouny are going to, was not set up by the firm, but was set up by the talk show producers themselves.