Introduction to Film and Music Analysis

June 18, 2012 – Monday 12 nn – Northwestern University, East Ouigab

The members of Percussive Corrections are having lunch in the cafeteria. They already got used to the stares from their schoolmates. On the other hand, they are also thankful that their school mates do not care enough to bother them, so they can comfortably have lunch in the cafeteria like normal college students. 

Today, however, they are gathering more attention than usual.

  "I just don't get it. Why would you want to cut it?" Ramil asked.

"It's not like I'm doing it just because I want to." Hoon shrugged.

"Well, I get that it's your song, but why do you cut it? I think it sounds good." Jenna asked. 

"Come on. Just explain, we might understand." Ike said.

The vocalist unit of the band is currently grilling Hoon for his stubborn attitude about his choice in his song, and they are talking loud enough for the other students to get distracted.