Psychological Intricacies of TV and Film Promotions

September 1, 2012 – 12 nn. Saturday – New York City

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Darbut."

"It's nice to see you too, Tayaw. It's been a while. Please sit down. Let's order first."

Tayaw just joined Yarag at a table in a fancy restaurant, their lunch a courtesy of Yarag's wallet. Despite the free delicious lunch, Tayaw is quite apprehensive of why Yarag himself invited him out to lunch.

"Mr. Darbut. Congratulations by the way." Tayaw says as he takes a seat.

"On what?" Yarag asks, confused.

"The film of your company. Right? 'Before Love' won the Golden Reel Award back home." Tayaw clarifies.

This makes Yarag pause before shaking his head.

"Ugh. No thanks to you, the awards of those weren't even satisfying to receive. The Actress, the director? They were not happy receiving their awards." Yarag says.

"Hm? What do I have to do with that?" Tayaw asks in confusion.