
September 15, 2012 – 11 PM, Saturday - Montecito, Santa Barbara

"Gary! I got somethin'." Xiao Song immediately barges in the living room after he was let in the mansion by Gary's housekeeper.

"Whoah. Good afternoon to you too." Gary who just came from his kitchen almost drops his freshly opened bottle of beer. 

"You look like sh*t." Gary says as he notices Xiao Song's sweat – soaked windbreaker jacket.

"Anyway. We haven't seen each other in a while. You didn't even let me know you're coming. Sit your ass down." Gary calms Xiao Song down.

This made Xiao Song freeze before plopping himself down on Gary's couch. Gary then joins Xiao Song.

"So. How's home? I thought I scared you away?" Gary chuckles as he takes a sip from his bottle.

"Aida, sugar, get this man a drink, please. Oh. Is there anything left from the take-out? Grab this man something to eat. He looks skinny." Gary ordered. "