An Apprentice

February 16, 2013 – 2 PM, Saturday – Jericho, Long Island

"Yo, honey. There's a party in Tayaw's house?" George, Tayaw's neighbor across the street, says as he looks at Tayaw's house through his window.

"Looks like it. Looks vintage – themed too. Look at that lady. She's gorgeous in that dress… Ooh! Look at that coat! Look at that SHAWL! Who are these people?" Lily says, noting the female party attendees entering the gate.

"They all look high-class. Still, he could have asked me to do the catering." George is concerned about another business however. 

"Look! Look! Charlotte and her family! They're invited?!" Lily exclaims as she sees the Duhills dressed well in 70s formal fashion, exit their house and walk to Tayaw's house.