This year's Jury

(Continued from Prev Chapter)

[[[ A young Giovanni is studying at the dinner table in Micaela's apartment when suddenly,  *SCREAM* *BANG!* *BANG!*

A woman's scream and two gunshots are heard coming from Giovanni and his mother's apartment. Giovanni's heart beats loudly and quickly in anxiety. His world slows down when he realizes that the woman's scream was his mother's. He stands up and rushes towards Micaela's door, but Micaela blocks his way and gives him a tight embrace. "It's okay honey. Everything will be okay…" Micaela consoles Giovanni.]]]

"Ah.. Poor boy…" Madhuri and the other jury members cannot help but be immersed at the excellently believable performance of the child actor who played Giovanni and the actress who played Micaela.

"'September Ninth' was violent but this…" Eleanor is in disbelief at the early tragedy.