Rinowra Class of 2013

May 31, 2013 – Friday, 10 AM – Rinowra Preparatory School, East Ouigab 

"Hey. Look at her. She looks like a little politician. Walking up there like there's a stick up her a**. I bet she speaks like a stern teacher too…" Tayaw says to Liboo, rather loudly.

"Puhaha!" Liboo cannot help but laugh at the accurate description of Rinowra Class 2013's valedictorian.

Kilat on the other hand, elbows Tayaw seeing that the other parents and attendees of the graduation ceremony also heard his comment. While some of them are smirking at the comment, "…sorry…" Kilat apologizes to them nonetheless, and with that, they focus on the valedictorian on the podium. 

"Good morning. Honored guests, family, friends, Board of Trustees, teachers and staff of the school, Mr. Mayor, our speaker, and most of all to the Class of 2013, welcome to the commencement. I am honored to…" 

*ding!* *ding!* *bzzt* *bzzt*… *ding* *ding* *ding* *bzzzzztttt*