A Dinner With Payew

6PM – Pasadena, California

"Thanks. I'll get another serving please, it was delicious." Tayaw says to the waiter.

"… Sure thing, sir." The waiter can only comply.

Tayaw is currently at a random restaurant in Pasadena, just finishing his nth plate of food. He is still uncomfortable showing strangers how much he can eat so he left the party at Gary's house after talking with some people. The difference with the strangers at Gary's house and the stranger like the waiter is, the waiter does not know who Tayaw is.

*ring* *ring*

"Xiao Song. What's up?" Tayaw picks up his phone as soon as it rang.

/Isaac. Where are you?/ Xiao Song asks.

"Pasadena." Tayaw says.

/Pasa-… wait. When did you leave?" Xiao Song asks.

"Heh. When you were drunkenly talking to Jo. You seem sober now?" Tayaw asks.

/Yeah. I slept it off. Why'd you leave so early?/ Xiao Song asks.