Author's Note - June 12,2021

~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

After more than four months of daily releases, I'm almost at an impasse.

I'm in a slump. A f*ckin writer's block. I'm sure you've all seen the signs of it from all throughout the chapters, especially the ones I've released in the past few weeks. Throughout writing this thing, I've gotten stuck multiple times and fought it with fillers and running with loose ideas. This time however, it's really hard to get through it. 

I think it's time for me to slow down, or even have a full break. I still have plenty of ideas but I just don't know how to deliver them well. I need more time to outline chapters and learn on how to pace my story better. 

One of my biggest regret in this novel is that I tried to have the MC do many things all at once. I think that contributes to my slump. When I come back, I'll avoid that and maybe it'll help me write more quality chapters again. 

I might also need ideas. You guys can send me a note at