Chapter Five

Mrs Kim got back home that day nervous she didn't want to believe or listen to the thoughts that ran through her head . she gently knocked on Hyung ji's door and didn't get a reply so she opened it hyung ji was shaking and looked so pale . She rushed in touching her ..

**'oh my goodness your running temperature '** .….**"enter mummy's back I'll take you to the hospital**

Suddenly she held her mother's hand shaking her head saying she didn't want to go .

Mrs kim couldnt help but cry as she fetched a bowl of water with some towels . she felt guilty for even thinking her daughter could do such .

All through out the night she she stayed by her send damping her body till she felt better soon she slept off .

**Late at night **

**"yoo mi. ….go to sleep ..okay "**

**'yes mom…'**

**'sleep tight'**

Yoo mi smiled she really loved her mom but that night she couldn't sleep she kept thinking of the girl she met earlier today . why did she keep staring at me ?…was she lost ?…

She felt guilty for not helping ..time seemed to be very slow then she heard a sound out side her window ..she got up from bed and walked slowly towards the window..she was frightened but was curious she hurriedly opened it looking out side

(Deep sigh)**"i was scared just now"**

Then a pair of hands held her mouth !...then there was silence !

Mrs kim woke up the next morning her sweet daughter was sleeping peacefully she checked temperature ..and it was just fine as she tried to get up ..Hyung ji woke up

(Opening her eyes softly)**'mummy…mummy'**

**"Hyung na ….mummy is here okay ….i wont go to work today okay ?…."**

(Nodding her head in approval)

**"just rest ohh ..let me make you some seaweed soup …we'll go see the lake later okay?"**

**'yes mummmy'**

Mrs kim smiled …kissing her gently on the forehead as she went downstairs to call her work place and make breakfast when her phone rang …..

**'Hello …Mr park'**

**"Mrs kim …..sorry to bother you but we lost another kid yesterday ..are you aware?"**

**'well its not my daughter i spent the entire night with her and she is sick '**

**'i understand ..but Mrs kim by any chance has your daughter ever called you …a star ??'**

*'WHAT??'* ...(how did he know)

**'mrs kim the last girl that was killed your daughter ...'**

**"MR PARK THATS ENOUGH!!"** ...(taking a deep breath )**"if need it be i will call you"**

With that she ended call breathing heavily as she felt a stare from her window she immediately looked but no one was there ….**"what exactly is going on!…"**

From rumors Mrs Kim found out what happened to Mrs Lee's daughter . Her throat had been slit and she was choked under her pillow preventing her from screaming in the process making a mess on the bed …!

**'mummy ?'**

**"huh?….Hyung ji you came out "**

**'can we go to the lake now'**

(Isn't it late …..what am I saying if she wants to go I should just take her

**'of cause sweetheart let me get the coats'** )

Together they went to the lake and sat there staring at the sky

**'mummy …..arent stars the prettiest?…just like you ?..'**

Mrs kim could not explain the feeling she felt but it was cold being watched

**"honey lets go back okay …."**

**"but mummy?"**

**don't worry we will come again tomorrow okay?"**

**"okay …."**

Holding her hands she hurried back home . she felt more aware of a dark figure always following her but once she turned around it was gone . it scared her .

Next day she hurried off to work .

On her way she normally took a short cut down alley today was strange because someone was behind her walking very slowly ..humming (twinkle twinkle little star )

She suddenly felt the voice Just behind her ear she immediately turned but as usual no one was there with no other option she ran to work out of fear

Through out that day she felt like she was watched she couldn't breath normally and felt like she was being strangled

**'hey ….Kim Ssook ?…WHAT IS WRONG ?…'**

(Gasping ….)**"Hee joo ….i think …i think am being watched !"**

(Scared as well)**"WHAT?…call the cops "**

**"what if they go after my kid huh ?"**

(Suddenly lightening up)*'Kim Ssook…your just worried About your daughter because of the recent killing(sighing a deep sigh of relief) really scared me you know'*

*'am being serious'*

**"we have customers you can go home early how about that ?.."**

*"your really the best Hee joo thank you "*

**"Dont mention….Welcome…. what can i get you?"**

Hee joo said attending to the customers as her mind raced ..while kim Ssook was deep in thought .

After a few more hours Mrs kim headed home properly thanking Hee joo again….

On her way home she began to imagine what she would do if she really lost her daughter . she had never washed her laundry or tidied her room before .then it occurred to her What kind of mother was she ?

**"Hyung …mummy is home and i brought your favorite desert "**

Mrs kim gently opened the door to her room as she stepped inside . Her daughter was not in the room but she could hear the shower rushing she smiled and decided to clean her room .

She started dressing the bed gathering the few things that were scattered . Normally Hyung could be seen as a neat freak so the room didn't need much work but as Mrs Kim picked the few loitered materials around the trail seemingly lead her beneath the bed she went on her knees in attempt to see if there were anything under her bed and she was shocked ….!!