Chapter Eleven

you were napping on the job ..that's sad…Doek shi said trying to create a humorous environment"

"where are you headed ? "Bong pal asked

"wow ..he can even hear my footsteps{laughing a little} ..well am off to see someone, don't worry too much about it partner "

that word brought a very awkward silence over the phone

"Doek shi I told you" ....Bong pal tried to break the silence only to be cut short

"I know I know, ….you really are a joy killer what kind of responsible officer abandons her partner {laughs again..} I have to go now be safe"

{tuu ….tuuu…}

Doek shi stood in front of a café shop, she looked into the café through the transparent glass and saw the man she is to meet by the corner, she took a deep breath before heading inside and said to herself

"don't worry Bong, am going to gain your trust and prove myself just you wait "

Bong stared at his phone for sometime before smiling, he took up the coffee cup but it was empty, he sighed deeply "now am out of coffee …..{Checking the time} 10:42huh?.....{looking at Mrs Cha's house, the lights had been turned off ..Just then Hyung ji's light turned on, she moved around a bit then headed to her window opened the curtain and looked at Mr Park who was shocked, surprised and filled with fear, she gave him a very unforgiveable smile mouthing …Jal…Ga….yo….. she went back inside closed the curtains then turned off the lights}

"Kim Hyung Ji what exactly are you up to?" Mr Park asked himself as he drove away

When he got back home, he checked the refrigerator and the only thing he could eat was tofu, taking a deep breath, he took them out cut them into a plate, sat by the table and ate very quietly staring at the board with pictures pinned to it . There were so many questions that really bothered him but the one question he could not understand is WHY???

The next day he got up from bed stretching, his body was in pain but he just took pain killers and got dressed.

"Morning senior ....a cheerful male voice said waving towards Mr Park "

"Mr. Lee!! ...." Mr park said frowning his face in regret from meeting him

"you look even more gloomy than you did yesterday "Mr Lee said smiling like a child

"you sound louder than you were yesterday "Mr. park said giving off the { I will kill you aura}

"hahahahahaha… really are the best, sunbae…."

"Someone please lend me a loaded gun"

"heheh{running } so I'll see you later sunbae

Mr Lee Jong Won, a 20year old crime genius, well that's what his record says, in reality Mr Lee can be described as one of those people who are said to be blessed by the heavens with luck. From Mr Lee's training days he surprisingly passed his challenges or rather he always escaped them, He looks little and weak but he is brilliant and very observant, his intelligence graced him enough to work for the Korean police services at a young age but he dosent really participate in field activities, he is more or less a behind the desk officer .

"Mr Lee …" a female voice called out to Lee who was escaping from being killed

"ahh …miss Doek shi {smiling } you must be looking for your Bong pal "

Mr Lee said smiling and smirking towards Doek shi who in response smacked him to the ground out of embarrassment

"I am simply looking for my partner !.....loud mouth ..hmmph "

With that she looked and walked away despite the attention she had drawn to herself. Mr Lee just remained on the floor and lamented on how scary their children would be

{Knock Knock } "come in " Mr Park said as the door opened and someone walked in

"leaving already?"…Doek shi said sitting on the chair facing Mr Park

"yes, I need to make sure she doesn't leave without me noticing her "

"I thought you said you were looking out for the girl ?"

{realizing he had said too much }"I will be going now "

Immediately he got up and headed for the door ignoring Doek shi's question.

Doek shi understood that he still wasn't ready to talk to her so she just kept quiet and simply watched him leave.

Well she wouldn't blame him after that event of being called to give his report and just as it had happened he mentioned how Hyung ji was behind everything but of cause who would believe an eight year old child would be capable of murder. As time went on, everyone started concluding that he had gone crazy so he decided to lie and say he was watching over her in case the killer came back but who watches a girl for 4years.

Mr Park hurried over to his car and got in, "still messy huh?"

He sat there for a few minutes looking towards his office window and saying to himself

"am sorry partner I just can't stand seeing you hurt "

He started the engine and drove off .