Chapter Fiveteen

"the mail was directed to me but they sent it through him which means they know we are together. I have a very strong suspicion but I want to meet this Hyung ji first"

"and if I may ask why does Hyung ji pin your interest?....{becoming alert} last I checked this has been a childrens doing and you are the same age with the suspect in question "

"Mister … will be impossible to work with you if you dont trust me but you have to understand I am not working together with her .. I don't even know her as it is "

{staring at them for sometime before heaving a deep sigh}

"fine i'll sign the contract, either way you will end up investigating on your own and I would only blame myself "

Taking the pen Mr Park signed and stamped the documents and handed them back to Se-won who put them back inside his bag

Pulling about a huge magazine written on the front page Elemetary school of Andong year book

"whats this "

{opening to a certain page }"this magazine was made three five ago before the school disbanded

, it has the names of every student …{turning the book to face Mr Park and pulling out more documents} this killing started four years ago here in Andong, the girl you mentioned in your report her name is in class 2{b} but her picture is not saved here which means either she rarely comes to school and missed picture day, she is extremely shy or intentionally avoided having her picture here also. I don't think you noticed but even on the news her picture was not shown too either way while you were being focused on her the killing continued, that's where Mr Nam was hurt {pointing at the picture of a boy} he is just like your suspect ended up being the victim he also is in the same class with the girl"

Mr Park could not understand so many things

"so all the killers attended the same elementary school and when the school was disbanded they scattered ?"

"Mr Park you are not looking at the bigger picture here ..Why would kids kill? After calling you a star they kill you??? These kids were questioned and could not remember hoe they got to where they were let alone what they did after they got there their bloods were checked and there symptoms of drugs in them"

" Where exactly could kids get drugs from ,something must have happened to them ….while in school " Mr Park said

"exactly I thought so too, the question is what? And how are we going to find out most especially if drugs were in there blood streams and they forgot then it was forcefully induced apparently they were hypnotized "

Mr Park thought and thought { this kid is pretty amazing and would make an excellent cop but I have to contribute, who do I know from that school …idea}

"there is a kid, I don't know if he is willing to talk but his best friend was killed because he snitched "

"so he is going to be scared …"

"yes, I don't know how to approach him .."

"don't worry leave it to me "

" ehhh {Mr Nam finally spoke after being completely forgotten } it looks like am not needed after all "

" Mr Nam ….could you please find the location of everyone in this class "

{and I thought I could escape this one ….this kid!} "of….cause"

{trying to run .. no way }

"okay then I will be leaving " Mr Nam said {you will be stuck in that smelly car neat freak}

"okay ..oh and Mr Park there is a nearby car wash please do justice to your car" Se-won said with his normal poker face

"sure …haa ha.."

Se-won sat there staring at the blank picture slot and the name

"I hope you aren't who I think you are ..Hyung ji "

After 3 hours of having his car washed Mr Park went home with Se-won, showed him the spare room soon they both fell asleep