Chapter Eighteen

do you think I joined the police force to be treated like a princess{tearing} who gave you the right to decide for me huh?....all this while ,do you know how much pain I have been going through.{sniffing} I fell for you in the first place because you always treated me like an equal, you suddenly stopped ..besides how could I not help my partner !"

{Badoom …Badoom } am sorry{crying as well} "

"don't ever push me away okay …if you really care about me ..please "

"am really sorry that night I was really scared ….i didn't want anything…{crying }

Just then the call ended mr park just stood there sobbing only to hear from a distance

"Bong pal !!...."

"huh?" Bong pal looked and saw Doek shi running towards him

"so …am I calling a cab " Se-won asked smiling at Bong pal

"you sure your 12,....{rubbing his hair }"

With that he ran towards doek shi as they both hugged an talked for sometime before remembering Se-won was still outside

"hey kiddo sorry for the delay , I'll drive you home

"sure …{winking at him}

With that he drove se-won back dropped him

"see you tomorrow "

"I bought some cupnoodles and mineral water you should eat before going to bed"

"sure bye"

That night se-won locked the doors he went into his room , he was happy they had made up now the team work would be stronger as he changed a book dropped to the ground with a picture slipping out of it , he picked up the picture first and placed it on his table then he raised the book , it was the Andong year book he looked at he page that had opened it

"Kim Hyung Ji ….why cant I find your picture anywhere ?...just who are you?