Linda screamed with all her might but he kept coming forward she didn't know what to do se-won was still upstairs and hyung ji was behind her what would she do ? what could she do ?
Taking another step
"I REALLY WILL KILL MYSELF "linda screamed again shaking in fear when a tiny voice from behind said
"then just die already mother!!!!!!!!.
Linda grunted from a sharp pain by her sides she slowly looked at her body and a pen knife was stabbed into the sides of her abdomen she turned around and finally understood what had gone wrong she fell on her kn ees smiling as she placed her hands on hyung ji's shoulder blood dropping from mher mouth
"did he tell you killing is okay ? Hyung ji you have to fight it ...don't let him control you , don't worry about me you didn't kill me mummy forgives you be a good girl okay ..please don't ever …k..kill"
Hyung ji stood there looking at her mothers calm and reserved expression using her smile to cover her pain a way of trying to reduce the guilt on the killer at that moment to hyung ji ,linda was…. Was … a beautiful shining star . linda gripped her daughter's shoulders and hugged her firmly she could feel her mothers mouth but she couldnt hear anything but she felt it as her mother took her last breath slumping to the ground
That night was a heavy o ne for the village Mrs Gong was more bitter than anyone else
When she came back linda was lying cold on the ground while hyung ji was crying weeping by her mothers side , shaking her and begging her to wake up , se-won just sat by the stairs he looked emotionless like a face of a doll unable to reciprocate necessary emotions
They were taken for questioning but all hyung did was tell them a cloaked person came and killed her mother se-won didnt say anything
After they returned home things were quiet for a few days Mrs Gong who always played dumb but actually has a grip of her surrounding called se won into her room and decided to talk to him
"my child tell me who killed linda "
"am sure you already know !"
"{grasps }.. was it that 6 months she disappeared ? I should have been more vigilant {tearing up} after all she has been through her own daughter took her life …linda am so sorry "
"grandma Gong send us to the orphanage as fast as you can "
"how do you expect me to this that you're my family now "
"grandma ..he came too and he will come again thank you for everything you have done so far but dying wont bring mother back you know that better than anyone "
"will the orphanage be safe?..will you be safe ?" Mrs Gong asked as tears ran down her eyes
"I will be okay grandma please be safe too "
"Se-won if you can save your sister please do"
Those were they last words mrs Gong said to Se-won contradicting the ones his mother said to him after a few days just as decided Mrs Gong had the kids sent over to an orphanage even as they were there hyung-ji still exhibited strange behavior and one day she just disappeared when se won asked the nuns incharge they said she left and no one could find her and that was the last time se-won saw his sister