
The Dday finally came …the Andong mask festival

Andong mask festival an annual 10days ceremony filled with so many activities on then fifth day is an parent expecting day where their kids will be performing a cultural dance drama , as people trouped in and out Se-won's team were all ready

Lee jong was using drones to search for Hyung ji or amny weird person

Doek shi and Eun gi were on security duty

Mr park was watching from the controls room

Finally the time for the play reached as parents and people gathered so many kids followed suit they festival environment has over 50 large speaker with 5control rooms although only four were functioning

Soon they children dance stared in awe and surprise of the parents as some bragged with their kids one thing was for sure everyones eyes were on the show jus then a lullaby started singing

"Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are !"

Most of the kids stopped moving and stood or sat still , Parents started mummuring as they could not understand the entire situation

"its started everyone …Mrs Jang your up " Jong-won said chewing something

"Roger …."{from where she stood she waved her hands twice suddenly gas was pouring from all corners

"Kiddo your up next ….."

"sure{running ..} am almost there "

"you never cease to fail me kiddo "


"so we know its at the festival now what?"

"she chose a public place to inflict more damage but these kids don't know they are under hypnosis so she needs to start it with a key work or something , with they the police searching searching for her she would not want to seen "

"true and we gotr the picture from the boy and sent it over to the office so now we know what he looks like " Doek shi said

"considering the environment she would need the same communication device the festival uses "

"large speaker " Jong-won said


"so she needs access to one control room " Eun-gi added

"doing that will lead us straight to her " Bong Pal said

"last two years one of the control rooms were shut down due to some weird reasons ..thats where she will be …"

"are you sure kiddo "

"yes ,,using my own actions , I would retain a control room and wait since I cant enter that day due to the security level and the children's show wont start till later in the day, but one she plays the song the kids under its influence become immobile till its complete either way I will attempt to leave when everyones focus is on the kids "

"I see now …that's when you go after her right ?"Eun-gi said

"yes …..i want to show her , her biggest mistake , when it starts gas will be released into the room gets the people moving out then barricade the doors leave they rest to me "Se-won said

"that's okay what happens to your father then " Doek shi asked looking pale

"knowing him ….he will leave Hyung ji to take the Fall alone he would be hiding somewhere and she will be the only person that knows"

"seems like a really easy plan " Jong –won whose only job is to watch everyones back using drones said

"SHUTUP "Eveyone said at the same time

"oh and Mister park can you help me find some people.."


"My Aunties "