Thirty Two

Hyung ji staggered to her fathers hiding position she kept murmuring

"people that die cant come back to life ..i don't remember killing mother ....people that die cant come back to life "

She staggered until she got to the building her father was hiding in

"why are you back here ..?!..why didn't I hear any sirens ?!

"{still staggering closer to her father ..she finally got really close }"tell me why did I start doing this ?"

"have you forgotten ..{he said turning back and grabbing a filed string and suddenly injecting into her

"that's better ….hyung ji what happened "

"{drugs effect }our plan was ruined "

"we can always start another one ..but this time your brother will be on our side….dont worry we will bring your mother back !!!!!!"

{snapping out of the drug} …bring my mother back …..BRING MOTHER BACK ...…..{jumping on him and stabbing him on the neck once ....He fell holding his neck to prevent the blood flow

"Don't worry …shuuushhh…don't struggle too lied to me ,and used me …but I forgive you ! you know why ...IF WE CANT BRING MUMMY DOWN THEN WE TAKE EVERYONE UP STARTING WITH HER LOVELY HUSBAND !!!!

"you little ....."He tried to talk as she sat over him and stabbed again and again and again till his blood was all over

"Now …where is my big brother !?"

Then entire team was watching the outcome from the drone while Se-won had already started running towards her as soon as Bong pal saw her kill her father he grabbed his keys and drove after him

Hyung ji was walking on the street covered in blood when she heard sirens behind her she started running looking back and running , Se-won had gotten to the building and seen what she had done , he ran forwards he then saw her up ahead with the police car after her ,but he was too exhausted to follow suit

"hop in " a familiar voice said

Mr park had come to the rescue he then drove him till a point the police had used cars to barricade the roads

"kiddo …"

"Don't worry I follow the hill I can walk from here " Rushing out from the car he ran forward following the sides till he could see her , she held a girl about her age hostage with a knife to her neck threateninig to take her life

"Don't come any closer or I will kill her !.....hahahahah…don't worry you will get your turns to die so no rushing okay? None of you will die before MY BIG BROTHER !"

Se-won k new she had really lost her mind completely but here was no way he was going to let another person die for him so he made of his mind to surrender himself


Just then a car drove in rapidly probably from failed break or a terrible driver but at that point hyung ji turned around she saw the car racing towards them her eyes widened and she pushed the girl away and the car drove over her !!!

Se-won stood still as he watched his sister bleeding on the floor he looked at driver but the person had their head down but wasn't moving but as he looked closer the person was moving , slowly the car doors opened and they person stepped out from the car a woman in her late thirties her head was covered in blood as she walked to the body on seeing it was Hungb ji she started screaming …

"hyung ji ….am so sorry what have I done "

Se-won could feel anger building up within him but then he saw the womans face closely and stopped !!