Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Yoshino and Teka faced each other on the stage and Teka's lava quirk was melting the stage beneath her.

"You don't need to be that intimidating Teka, you know.." Yoshino said with a smile.

"Save your plead for later, I will destroy you today," Teka said as she glared at him, Yoshino didn't say anything and just scratched the back of his head.

"Let's not make this long! Let the first match start!" the announcer yelled.

Teka immediately turned her body with her hair and gave a big sway, the lava from her hair was sent flying towards Yoshino.

Yoshino immediately raised his hands up and made a flipping motion, the ground beneath him flew up and blocked the attack but it immediately melted from Teka's quirk, Yoshino immediately dodged by the side.

Teka flicked her head and so her hair followed, the lava hair charged towards him, a blue aura covered Yoshino as he raised his hands, he started floating on the air dodging Teka's lava hair.


Small stones from the ground also started floating and it charged towards Teka, which she blocked only swaying her hair, Yoshino scratched his chin and landed on the ground.

"I surrender," he raised his hands in the air.

"Student Yoshino surrendered! The winner is Teka!" the announcer yelled.

Teka had her passive face and didn't say anything then stepped out of the stage, Yoshino followed after him, Nikko looked at their fight and from what he could see from Teka, these two would quarrel later, it was not a secret for the 1-S to know that Yoshino and Teka are already dating each other.

And just like what he thought, a few moments later, Teka's voice could be heard from the outside, while Yoshino was trying his best to give her his reasons, anyways, the next match was a student of 1-B against a student from 1-A, now maybe the rivalry between 1-B and 1-A started with this, Nikko thought.

Well, the match was pretty good as they both had quirks that counterfeit each other but the side of 1-B won by a little margin, Nikko then stood up from his seat and moved towards the stage, the cheers of the crowd were heard in every step he takes, and it only got louder and louder.

The student who was against him already lost all of his morale and was already bathing in sweat, Nikko stepped on the stage with a smile on his face, he then waved on the crowd, which cheered for him loudly, he then noticed a banner with his face on it, he sweated, he had only been known since the sports festival started and he already a fan club?

Well, that was good as it would boost his fame and have his own agency in a young age, then he would be able to take care of All for One, he had not shown himself for a long time now, no moves or other things, but once Nikko got a hero license and was able to move around freely, then the hunt would start.

Anyways, Nikko didn't even try to use his quirk as the other student immediately raised his hands and surrendered, the crowd got disappointed by the fast match and not being able to see Nikko in action, they still cheered for him.

Nikko and the other student nodded at each other and left the stage, Nikko actually expected it to happen, the crowd really pressured the student, Nikko shook his head and returned back to his seat, the matches continued throughout the day and Nikko defeated all his opponents easily without using his quirk.

It didn't take long before the match came to a near end, and it was already the semi-finals, He was facing against someone familiar to him, but unfamiliar to the other, a man with red spiky hair and a very manly posture, the future pro hero and the idol of Eijirou Kirishima, Crimson Riot, his real name was Takumi Shin.(A/N: it was just a self-made name because sadly, there was no information about his real name)

"Nikko Reijirou-san, I respect you greatly, and so I will fight you with all my strength!" Shin said as he bowed at Nikko.

"Then I will also fight you with my strength," Nikko said with a smile.

"Yes!" Shin yelled as he took his stance, his hands turned into black ink, it was the same as Armament Haki or Busoshuko Haki from one piece anime, Nikko then raised his fist as flames came out from his body, 'I won't go all out but I need at least to show him my resolve,' Nikko thought.

Shin flinched from the appearance and the aura of Nikko, he felt heavy pressure around him, but he clenched his fist and got ready for the fight, the crowd cheered loudly as they saw the fight was getting heated up.

"Let's not make it wait more! Match start!"


Nikko stomped on the ground the caused the place to tremble, flames spurted out from his body, his figure seemed like he was the sun, "I haven't tried this for a long time, but I guess it will work," Nikko commented as he cracked his neck, his hidden prideful personality was showing, he wanted to try if his prideful personality would make him cool.

"Now, come at me," Nikko said as he looked at Shin or Crimson Riot.

"Then here I come,��� Shin bowed for the last time before attacking, he immediately rushed towards Nikko at a very fast speed and raising his fist, Tanaka frowned, from what he remembered in anime, Crimson Riot was a professional close combat fighter but now, he doesn't even have a form, maybe he still has not discovered about it.

Nikko dodged the punch that Shin sent him by jumping on the side exposing his side stomach to Nikko, Nikko didn't let this chance go and immediately used his knee to send a knee strike on Shin's stomach.


A loud sound was heard as Shin was sent flying in the air, Nikko smiled as he felt his knee became numb, Shin used his quirk Hardening to his stomach on the right moment to avoid the lethal strike, Nikko then looked up and saw Shin was still on the air, Nikko then took a deep breath and a stream of smoke came out from his mouth.

"Breath of the flame close combat style – Flame fist"


A flame came out from Nikko's hands as he clenched it tightly, he then kicked the ground and disappeared from his position.

Shin who was still in the air was in a lot of pain, he felt his innards wanted to come out, even though he used his quirk which hardens his body in an almost indestructible armor but he still felt that attack, he struggled to open his eyes and look around but not being able to find his opponent, he felt something bad is going to happen, so he immediately used his quirk to cover his whole body.

And just like what he thought, the moment he finished covering his body, he saw a shadow passed by him and rained him with so many attacks, he could only clench his teeth and cover his body to minimize the damage, he could give up if he wanted but he wanted to fight Nikko so very much, so he endured being the punching bag.

It didn't take long for Nikko to stop his attacks as he felt exhausted, he maybe strong but his stamina was still limited, his body still haven't grown to its peak yet and could grow, he stopped his attacks and jumped away from Shin who was now in a deep pit on the stage created from the attacks of Nikko.

Nikko was surprised to see how persistent Shin was, well, that was to be expected, he was called a manly hero for a reason, Shin struggled to stand up from the deep pit he was in, his legs were shaking and bruises were all over his body, he didn't bleed from those attacks due to his quirk, but he could feel his insides screaming from pain.

Nikko looked at Shin, even though he was struggling, a smile on Shin's face could be seen, 'Is he a masochist' is what a normal person would think but to Nikko who had known about this things for a long time knows this was the excitement for battle, to find someone stronger than you, to find someone who will be your goal, that was what is going on with Shin right now.

"Let's start the final bout," Nikko said as he took a stance.

"Yes," Shin nodded and also put up his stance and used his quirk to cover all of his body, they both stared at each other for a few moments before taking a step forward, they both charged towards each other and sent punches to each other, making their fists collide to each other.


A shockwave came out from their punches, that it blew all the dust and stone away from their position, Shin felt his body getting ripped off from the punch, his body losing from their collision, it didn't take long for him to lose and fall to the ground, a large crater was created when he fell to the ground.

The place was silent, the stage was destroyed, the crowd was speechless from their power, they were amazed by the fight, they felt their blood boiling from the fight that they had their mouths wide open from shock.

"W-Whoaa!!!" one of the audience yelled, then followed by everyone else, the place trembled from their shouts that it was heard from the outside, they kept chanting their names, it got even louder and louder.

Nikko went towards Shin who was lying on the ground his whole body was full of bruises, he couldn't even move his body, "That was a nice fight," Nikko said.

"Yes, it was indeed," Shin said, then he looked at Nikko wanting to say something, Nikko noticed this.

"What is it?" Nikko asked.

"I-I want to be the cool hero you described, someone who will stand up no matter how much he falls, someone who will risk their life, I want to be like that," Shin said.

"Then, you will have to work harder than that," Nikko said with a smile, he then went back as the medics arrived and carefully put Shin on the stretcher.

Shin sat back on his chair and relaxed, he felt exhausted, he then smiled, 'I guess I could still improve' he thought, beside him, the others were looking at him, they shuddered from that fight, they have never thought that there would be a kid that could contend with Nikko, they gulped as they look at the destroyed stage that was now being fixed.


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